Praise the Lord my brothers and sisters in Christ!
God deserves all the glory and praise for all He has done! God has blessed us abundantly. We are very excited about the many new people that are recieveing this blessed truth. The Lord is giving hope and purpose to so many that before Jesus came into their lives had no hope or purpose. It is amazing to watch the transformation start on the inside and work its way out.
We are rejoicing over the five that were baptized this month God is doing wondrous things. We are sure God is going to use these people greatly in His work. We have recently had a March for Jesus in a village called Benidito Bentes. We went into the streets and declared the oness of our God! It was the first time that this had been done in this particular village! Everybody was stopping what they were doing to hear and see what we were all about.
We had around 50 people marching for Jesus. It was so touching to see the name of our Lord being proclaimed abroad. When I look at the pictures I think of that verse in
Matthew 22:9 that says:
Go ye therefore into the highways, and as many
as ye shall find, bid to the marriage.
We are biding them to come and be a part of the great marriage that we will have when Jesus comes back for His bride! I don’t want to see anyone left behind.
That night we had a wonderful service with the presence of the Lord moving in a great and mighty way! There were many visitors that came to hear the revelation of the name of Jesus and how He is one!
Keep these souls in your prayers that the Lord would open their understanding.
Please remember to pray for me and my wife also that we may continue following the will of God and that we may be attentive to what He
would have to say to us. We have a special need that I would like to pass on to you. We are still in need of a vehicle for transportation to the village of Maribondo and other churches also. If you have any questions about this need or just in general you can call this number and talk to Bro. Randy or Sis Teresa Thomas:
(304) 292-7434
Please earmark for special needs. Any offerings can be sent to:
Missions in Brazil
C/O Chad Thomas
1440 Statler Ave.
Morgantown, WV
May God Bless You All In The Name Of Jesus Christ!!!
Just a Vessel,
Missionary Chad Thomas