What if you have to? I have to show proof that I'm their parent when I sign them up for a new school!
I don't know when was the last time you applied for a new driver's license (not renewed one), but they will ask for your birth certificate, and if you are born in another country, you have to show proof of citizenship.
You think the government isn't involved anyway? Well, they are. You have to pay taxes on that land.
Where I live, you have to show proof of citizenship to have a bank account. I believe it's that way everywhere in this nation due to homeland security laws.
Would you feel the same way if your neighbor was a crackhead? Not that I'm comparing the two, but you seem to think that being here illegally is somehow less of a crime. There is much more to being an illegal than being here illegally. They evade paying taxes, have illegal income, and drain our economy. At least I know what to expect from the crackhead.
If you make them legal they pay taxes and provide a tax base in addition to providing valuable labor.
You can't hold me accountable for something I'm not legally bound to do. You have to make it manitory that I check. In order to do that you need a system whereby I have to register that I did. Else it's open for flagrant abuse. Let's say an illegal gives me false ID and I think he's legal. Then he gets caught and claims I never verified. I have no legal recourse to prove that I did. Resgistration would be a legal necessity to protect all involved.
This isn't the Wild West buckaroo. lol
I gave a simple solution, check ID's. When he is arrested he should have his fake ID on him. This will clear you of wrongdoing if he has a fake ID.
So, if they are Mexican, they are allowed entry, but if they are Iraqi, they aren't? How do you determine who is a threat to security, health, or property?
That's why we need reform. I work for SIDA controls at our local airport. I can run an STA on you and have it back in less than 7 days.
LOL! But wouldn't you also have to pay back taxes for having them work under the table for you? IF employment can be verified?? Like what, someone took a picture?
You aren't thinking about what you are even posting here. You imply that everyone is secretive and unable to be caught, then you say that there should be fines and criminal records if they aren't secretive enough.
I do agree with you about the 'how would I know they are legal' business. I think it's ludicrious to ask for ID to have someone mow your lawn or help you side your house. However, if your neighbor wasn't able to rent the house next door to you without proper ID, you wouldn't have to ask for it, right?
If you owned that house next door isn't it your right to rent to whom ever you choose according to your own set criteria?
How do you propose rounding up all these illegals?
It's not my proposal to make, but I think some of the laws in place need to be enforced more often than they are.
But if I were to make a proposal, I'd make sure that there were signs that read 'fence jumpers will be shot on sight...survivors will be shot again' and enforce it.
For those who don't leave once their visa is up, well, not much they'd be able to do without legally being here. They can't work, have no place to live, no food, money, yada yada...sure, some can avoid capture, but for how long?
It's no different than the criminal activity we deal with on a daily basis. We don't catch all of them, but those who aren't caught have to constantly look over their shoulder and live in fear of being caught someday. However, just because we don't catch them all doesn't mean we let the other ones have a free ride.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
It's not my proposal to make, but I think some of the laws in place need to be enforced more often than they are.
But if I were to make a proposal, I'd make sure that there were signs that read 'fence jumpers will be shot on sight...survivors will be shot again' and enforce it.
For those who don't leave once their visa is up, well, not much they'd be able to do without legally being here. They can't work, have no place to live, no food, money, yada yada...sure, some can avoid capture, but for how long?
It's no different than the criminal activity we deal with on a daily basis. We don't catch all of them, but those who aren't caught have to constantly look over their shoulder and live in fear of being caught someday. However, just because we don't catch them all doesn't mean we let the other ones have a free ride.
I don't think that if they had no place to live, food, or money, they'd just say, "Jeesh, guess I better go home." You'll definately increase the crime rate.
Bro... no one would be granted amnesty. lol You need to look up the definition of the term.
We do what Texas did. We streamline the immigration process. It will reduce the number of illegals significantly.
Actually, it would make the problem worse.
"Hey, Jose, come on over! It doesn't matter that you aren't legally allowed to come here. I jumped the fence and got citizenship anyway, and so can you. Make sure you tell Manuel, Jorge, Miguel, and Pedro too. All of you just come on over!!"
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
You keep on avoiding the question when it's quite clear what i'm asking. If we legalize these immigrants into citizens as you seem to advocate, that will not solve the problem of the next batch of illegal immigrants. What do you suggest we do about those? Give them citizenship also?
Right. Basically what I just said. Unless we stop them from coming over, the problem will just continue.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!