I know God allowed 3 kings that were knows as astroglers to find Jesus by following a star.
It was what they understood.
Would He do it again? I don't know.
I DO know the Bible says no man would know the day or the hour, but I believe we will know the season.
Also, I think Norstradumus (sp) also indicated 2012 as being the end. Not positive on that.
Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD.
Hate to break bubbles, but like every calendar, the mayan long count calender doesn't actually end dec 21 0r 23) whichever, it recycles, starts over, just like ours does every year.
It is a calender, a tool for marking the passage of time. That's it... no mystery.
My son asked me about the Mayan calendar a few years back. Some one had said something at school about it "ending," etc. I showed him this pic of a Mayan calendar and asked him what it looked like. He said, "A wheel..."
Right. And like a wheel it goes 'round and 'round...
Polar Shift is possible, not likely. If you would like to focus on a disaster that is a very real sword of Damocles hanging over the USA think EMP (electro magnetic pulse) attack
The earth won't shake, the sea won't rage, everything will simply stop. Our cars, if made after 1980 will just die and roll to a stop. Cell phone will die, ipods, radios, computers...everything electroc will quit working, never to work again.
Airplanes will drop out of the sky, the communication systems, even government and military command and control systems aren't sufficiently hardened to survive an EMP.
We might get to see how far up the creek we are when dies the fire of our civilization. Potential for the loss of 60-80% of the North American population in the first year.
So maybe on Dec 21 2012 North Korea or Iran will detonate a nuke a couple of hundred miles above Ohio...boom boom. Out go the lights.
Real scientists and military strategest's HAVE pointed this out to the government, but the dems are so busy beating the global warming drum that these guys are drowned out and ignored.
An EMP does not cause the physical laws involved in aerodynamics to be suspended. When an airplane looses power it will glide to the ground, not drop - unless you've also knocked the wings off the thing.
And most DOD secure installations are built within what amounts to a heavy duty Faraday Cage. The electrons are captured as a current and directed into the ground. It would take a direct hit to knock one of these buildings out - not an EMP.
Of course, if they do survive they have to have someone to talk to... that might be a problem in the short term.
If anybody wants to fire a nuke over the US - they had better be ready to lose everything their "civilization" has developed. Our defenses are set to massively retaliate, and they were designed to retaliate against an overwhelming first strike. A rogue state's missile attack, while locally devastating, wouldn't set us back all that much.
The real danger is in what it would cause us to do to ourselves.
An EMP does not cause the physical laws involved in aerodynamics to be suspended. When an airplane looses power it will glide to the ground, not drop - unless you've also knocked the wings off the thing.
It would, until it reached stall speed then it would drop like a rock. In modern aircraft the control surfaces are all electronics controlling hydrolics, when the electronics go away the pilot is up a creek.
And most DOD secure installations are built within what amounts to a heavy duty Faraday Cage. The electrons are captured as a current and directed into the ground. It would take a direct hit to knock one of these buildings out - not an EMP.
Many are.. in areas. During the Reagan years most military equipment was hardened against EMP, since then bugetary concerns and the decreasing threat of a nuclear war has limited that a lot.
Of course, if they do survive they have to have someone to talk to... that might be a problem in the short term.
Overseas forces would figure it out pretty quick.
If anybody wants to fire a nuke over the US - they had better be ready to lose everything their "civilization" has developed. Our defenses are set to massively retaliate, and they were designed to retaliate against an overwhelming first strike. A rogue state's missile attack, while locally devastating, wouldn't set us back all that much.
We may not even know who to nuke, though you can bet North Korea and Iran would be almost immediately turned into glowing smoking holes. But it would be very easy to put a Scud or Taepodong missle in an oversized container on a container ship and launch from the Gulf of Mexico or close to the california coast and then blow the ship up. In that case we might never even know who hit us.
The real danger is in what it would cause us to do to ourselves.
There's the rub. I live 2 hours from NYC and all it's surrounding big cities like Bridgeport, New Haven, Stamford... After a couple of weeks when the food runs out all those umpty million people are going to flood the countryside, and will gladly kill for a box of cheerios.
It is a scenario, not likely, but a whole lot more possible than the mayan calendar foretelling the end of the world.
The real bad thing is that we basically woke up long enough to throw a baseball at the alarm clock that was 9/11, and then rolled over and went back to sleep. There are people out there who hate us and want nothing more than to destroy us, and not all of them live in caves in Afghanistan.
Last edited by John Atkinson; 07-23-2009 at 07:17 AM.