yes, Timmy there are many good people that are not Christians however you cannot be a good christian without certain traits.
My grandson´s doctor is a Muslem...I admired him very much and felt no fear in his presence in fact once his eyes filled with tears and said I made him think of his mom...I have no idea what he thinks about Jesus but I could guess...however a good man and so kind...
We cannot judge people by where they were born or even what religion they claim however when we talk about Jesus we do know what he taught and to be like him we must live as He taught us to live...
what would your answer be to the question? How does the world know if we are a christian?
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Hey, Sister, he might be trying to stop them from writing on themselves with crayons.
__________________ "all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
Woo Hoo! I didn't know I desecrated the genie of your lamp.
Oh, I get it,
No you don't.
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
you didn't read my post,
Wrong yet again.
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
or you are blasting just those who don't agree with you? Hey truth hurts (who ever you are),
Nonsense followed by an attempt to discredit me by insinuating that I am unknown.
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
show me where I was wrong in what I posted to MOW.
If you had paid attention to my posts you would see that I asserted you were wrong in your unqualified statements on teaching kids with the idea that you could dictate what they o in the future by your teaching. Unqualified by the fact that you have not raised kids to the age that MOW has.
You were wrong to assert that he was a compromiser/postmodern.
You were wrong to challenge his ability to parent, and the ridiculous assertion about drinking that had no logical nexus.
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
Did you also make a deal with your offspring that they can get a tongue piercing, just as long as they don't get a neck tattoo?
And yet another meaningless statement.
"Beware lest you lose the substance by grasping at the shadow." ~Aesop
yes, Timmy there are many good people that are not Christians however you cannot be a good christian without certain traits.
My grandson´s doctor is a Muslem...I admired him very much and felt no fear in his presence in fact once his eyes filled with tears and said I made him think of his mom...I have no idea what he thinks about Jesus but I could guess...however a good man and so kind...
We cannot judge people by where they were born or even what religion they claim however when we talk about Jesus we do know what he taught and to be like him we must live as He taught us to live...
what would your answer be to the question? How does the world know if we are a christian?
By asking!
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
all we can do as parents is do our best to raise kids in the fear and admonition of christ, we can not control them after they are adults, i have 4 adult children and two at home, we as parents also have the choice to not contribute or enable them to do wrong after they are adults, dt
A product of a pentecostal raisin, I am a hard man, just ask my children
I don't think he is talking down to MOW. He is putting forth his decided opinion, as MOW is very capable of doing and has done on many other subjects. I do agree with them both - on some issues - not all. However, I agree with Brother Benincasa on this one.
Sister, opinions and views on forums must lean closer to the greater part of the forums membership.
It's like being in some religious movements, if you don't tote the party line you get the cold shoulder and shown the door.
Wether they are liberals, or conservatives, religion has its own set of unquestionable secrets (even in forumland). Ask no questions, especially about the man who is behind the curtain. Keep focused on the Great and Powerful Oz.
New converts come to a church, and find out the earring wearing Pastor's sons (who look like George Michael in his Wham days) had made a pact with their Pastor father, that they can look like Boy George, just as long as they don't get a rose tattoo on their ankles? Raised eyebrows abound, amongst the converts, but be of good cheer, we have the seasoned saints who are devoted to the Church, and they will make real sure to apply pressure to these newly born lambs. The seasoned saints will correct and maintain the convert to accept the wisdom of the group.
I'm NOT saying this is MOW's thoughts, or that his church is Jonestown.
I'm saying that Baron's knee jerk response is typical, and doesn't take away from what was posted. I think the whole covenant that can say you are allowed mess up a little, just as long as you don't mess up a lot, is what is unscriptural.
Whatever MOW, and Baron do with their children is their business. Just as long as they don't run that stuff to mine.
__________________ "all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
No, I'm correct, I'm sorry you can't take what you dish out.
If you would of read my post, you wouldn't have to of posted this one.
You went back and re-read it and now you making your points closer to what I posted. Your previous post made only sense to you. Pressing-On ask for clarification, and I didn't have a clue what you were trying to say about eight months? Sorry, but you are not that clear.
Originally Posted by Baron1710
Nonsense followed by an attempt to discredit me by insinuating that I am unknown.
Sorry Superstar, but I honestly don't know you by your nick.
Originally Posted by Baron1710
If you had paid attention to my posts you would see that I asserted you were wrong in your unqualified statements on teaching kids with the idea that you could dictate what they o in the future by your teaching.
Listen, whoever told you by being wordy makes you sound correct?
They were wrong.
Originally Posted by Baron1710
Unqualified by the fact that you have not raised kids to the age that MOW has You were wrong to assert that he was a compromiser/postmodern You were wrong to challenge his ability to parent, and the ridiculous assertion about drinking that had no logical nexus.
I provided the fact that no covenant makes provision to allow those in the covenant to do a little sin, in attempts to stop you from going into greater sin. It is unbiblical. Therefore flawed scriptturally, as it proves in MOW's case that it didn't work.
Find something else to defend because you are loosing this one.
__________________ "all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
Actually I thought Bro. Benincasa's post was very insightful. He brought up several issues that should be explored in regard to issues like this.
MOW posted his position on this thread. I would think that means he is open to discussing what he said. So, how is MOW's opinion any more or any less acceptable than is Bro. Benincasa's?
Also, where did Bro. Benincasa incorrectly use any scriptures? As a matter of fact, where did he quote any Bible in his post?
Because Baron doesn't love me.
__________________ "all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence