The commentary on the above article.
Jewelry, Makeup & Other Adornments
by Ed Meelhuysen, the editor and compiler
As I studied the foregoing verses, I made a number of observations. The main features of these are summarized below:
1. Adornment, the usage of gold, silver or precious stones, in of itself, is not evil.
2. The usage of adornment is often associated with times of plenty or prosperity. During the times of Saul, David, Solomon and Hezekiah, gold and silver flowed freely (
2Sam. 1:24, 1Chr. 29:6-8, 2Chr. 32:27). No evil was directly associated with the usage thereof during such times. People gave liberally of their gold and silver for the building of God's temples (Exod. 35:22,
1Chr. 29:6-8). In fact, in God's parable in
Ezekiel 16, God indicated that He blessed and adorned Israel (vs. 10-13)
3. Adornment, when given as a gift, is a sign of favor. Examples are Abraham's servant's gifts to Rebekah and her family (
Gen. 24:22, 53), and Jacob's gift of the ornamented robe to Joseph (
Gen. 37:3). Solomon adorned the one that he loved (
Song 1:10, 11). God adorned Lucifer in his heavenly estate (Ezek. 28:13), and will adorn his bride, the New Jerusalem (
Rev. 21:2, 11 ff.). He will also adorn the righteous with crowns (
1Cor. 9:25,
James 1:12,
Rev. 3:11). Jesus, in the story of the Prodigal Son, used a ring to demonstrate the father's eagerness to reinstate the son into his favor (
Luke 15:22).
4. Adornment is often used to please, attract or seduce another. A "good" usage of adornment is a bride's or wife's attempt to please her husband by looking her best. In fact, it was understood and virtually taken for granted that a bride would wear her jewels (see
Ps. 45:9, Song of Sol. 4:8-10,
Isa. 61:10,
Jer. 2:32,
Rev. 21:2). A "bad" usage of adornment is a prostitute's attempt to attract and seduce someone. Examples include: Israel prostituting herself to the nations using the ornaments (blessings of wealth) that God had given her. (Ezek. 16:15, 17 and 23:40;
Hosea 2:11), Jezebel attempting to seduce Jehu (2Kgs. 9:30), and the "decked out" harlot of
Rev. 17 seducing the nations with the wine of her adulteries (false teachings).
5. Adornments are used to make one's beauty complete or perfect.
Ps. 50:2 From Zion, perfect in beauty, God shines forth.
Lam. 2:15 All who pass your way clap their hands at you; they scoff and shake their heads at the Daughter of Jerusalem: "Is this the city that was called the perfection of beauty, the joy of the whole earth?"
6. A Christian's beauty should not come primarily from outward adornment, but from a pure Christ-like spirit. Both Peter and Paul encouraged women to dress modestly, (lumping adornment and fine clothing together in both cases), clothing themselves rather with good deeds (
1Pet. 3:3, 4;
1Tim. 2:9, 10). I believe this also applies to men, relative to fine clothing, expensive cars, and other signs of worldly "success."
It seems this comprehensive research shoots down coadie's misrepresentation of scripture. God is into beauty he is NOT into prideful/haughty spirits.