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Old 02-25-2009, 09:27 PM
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Re: 11 States Declare Sovereignty Over Obama’s Act

Unfortunately when the colonists were tired of the tyranny at the begining of these united states, much of the leadership and encouragement came from the pulpits, whereas today, our pulpits have a message of defeatism and inevitability of which I strongly disagree. Our nations woes most certainly can be corrected and in fact reversed, but first we must stop believing the lies of defeat. All endtime views that have the downfall of these United States is false and actually from the enemey of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is about time the states (read the people) regain the soverignty that belongs to us.
If ever there was a time to pray for our country, now is that time, otherwise it most likley be many years if not generations before a nation of Godly people will arise to declare freedoms again, and with much more bloodshed than would perhaps may be needed if done now. Actually, if done now or at least very soon, it could possibly done wiithout any blood shed
I know, sounds scarey, but liberty and freedoms do come with a price...nothing is free, not even freedom.
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Old 02-25-2009, 11:03 PM
jaxfam6 jaxfam6 is offline
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Re: 11 States Declare Sovereignty Over Obama’s Act

Originally Posted by RevDWW View Post
Who cares what they have to say, Bernanke says the recession may end by the end of this year.....prosperity is just around the corner........
Some great big article on Yahoo about how his saying that caused the Dow to gain points and then today it dropped more than it had gained. Yeah shows me how much people REALLY believe him and BO's 'stinky' speach last night.
Life is .............

I'll get back to you when I figure it out.
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Old 02-26-2009, 07:49 AM
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Re: 11 States Declare Sovereignty Over Obama’s Act

Originally Posted by Bowas View Post
Unfortunately when the colonists were tired of the tyranny at the begining of these united states, much of the leadership and encouragement came from the pulpits, whereas today, our pulpits have a message of defeatism and inevitability of which I strongly disagree. Our nations woes most certainly can be corrected and in fact reversed, but first we must stop believing the lies of defeat. All endtime views that have the downfall of these United States is false and actually from the enemey of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is about time the states (read the people) regain the soverignty that belongs to us.
If ever there was a time to pray for our country, now is that time, otherwise it most likley be many years if not generations before a nation of Godly people will arise to declare freedoms again, and with much more bloodshed than would perhaps may be needed if done now. Actually, if done now or at least very soon, it could possibly done wiithout any blood shed
I know, sounds scarey, but liberty and freedoms do come with a price...nothing is free, not even freedom.
Yes sir... so true...

Between these "well brother... it's just the endtimes... God said this would happen" eschatological view and the control that 501c3 has over the pulpit a big enemy of tyranny is kept nicely in check.
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