Sister Barb,
I just want to tell you what a blessing you have been to me! The gift
you sent to me recently has blessed me and mine and is continuing to
do so. I pray that you and your mother will have a wonderful Easter and
a great weekend! May the Lord God pour out bountiful blessings so that
you will hardly be able to contain it all, in Jesus Name!! I love you, Sister!
One might think, how can we love those we have never met. Peter said,
"Having not seen, ye love". We have not seen Jesus except in our brothers
and sisters. Jesus said to Thomas when he would not believe Jesus had
risen, except he saw the nail prints and His side. Jesus appeared and
showed Thomas the evidence. Thomas said, "My Lord and my God". Then
Jesus said to him, 'Because you have seen, you have believed, but BLESSED
are those who have not seen, yet have believed. Can someone believe
they have seen Him in us. Can we become like His disciples that the ones
hearing them, perceived that they had been with Jesus! How wonderful it
would be, IF JESUS is ALL they could see, when they see me!!!That is
something to strive for, isn't it!
Blessings, dear friend, Barb! I have felt Jesus in you!