Originally Posted by Praxeas
I think he did think it through. That was rather deliberate. It didn't take me more than one read to see that it was negative lol
I agree with this post.
Rev. Lowery's assertion was deliberate. I wouldn't call him a racist, but his prayer reflects an amount of bitterness that I'm sure will NEVER go away, no matter how much progress is made.
His American experience, like my Dad's experience has been quite bitter. That can't be changed. Does this excuse his "poisoning of the wells", no.
It is wrong to ignore the FACT that whites (even Jews) helped to fight to bring justice for all in this Country
However, I do understand where he's coming from.
The difference between my Dad and Rev Lowery is my Dad wouldn't have made such a sweeping, negative generalization at a time of obvious unity and racial peace.
May God grant His Servant, Rev Lowery, peace and grace in His heart.