Originally Posted by RandyWayne
Again, I am not against wealth or the wealthy. I have ALWAYS despised the taxation that many of the rich have to endure -even though I will never be in their tax bracket. I am not against people having nice things and nice cars and nice cloths.....
But ANY organization that exists by receiving it's funds in the form of donations DOES have an extra burden in explaining to to the givers how and where the money is spent. Would United Way donations drop off if the tax forms for the head honcho's in each state were released? Would people stop dropping dollar bills into the Salvation Army buckets if it was revealed that the Captain was making a quarter million a year?
Is this why so many pastors react so violently when the concept of the tithe is challenged? Even by people who may out give tithe payers in the form of offerings, yet still CALL it offerings? (After all 'offerings' are free will and 'tithes' are mandatory which in many minds removes all rights of the tithes payer to know where the money goes.)
If it wasn't for the legal obligation then there would be no reporting period, yes I understand the sensitivity around giving and the obvious misues of funds by nefarious ministries, but God has designated the tithe to be means and way that ministers get their keep.
A minister sows spiritual things, and he should reap carnal benefits in the form of giving by those that he feeds spiritual things to.
While I think that a church should report in general terms via a budget statement with spending categories it is no business of every member of the church what the Pastor does with his check.