Originally Posted by Norman
If you are not crazy now, you will be soon. When do you sleep, in class?
Sleep? What is this thing you speak of?
11 pm to 5 am, give or take. I don't work weekends (for now...I may have to add that in though just to keep the rent paid..bleh).
And I micro manage my time. Which is, of course, why I'm posting here right now. lol (I actually just finished an assignment for a class, a week early..YEAH!!)
I also am *very* cautious when I schedule my classes. This semester, I'm taking 12 credits..but it's split up pretty conveniently. I'm taking Texas Govt the first 8 weeks, US Govt the second 8 weeks. That's 6 credits that aren't at the same time. I'm taking US History all 16 weeks. And I'm taking Intro to Psych 12 weeks, starting in Feb. I'll never have more than 3 classes at the same time. And they're all online. The two I've already started also have the added advantage of being *self paced*. I'm overjoyed...I'm going to try to finish up one of the classes before psych starts in Feb. I might be able to keep myself to 2 classes at a time if I can manage my time well.
There is quite a bit of writing for both of these though, it may stretch out my finish date a little, but that's ok. I'll live. I've taken more credits, and more intense classes too, and managed to survive.
This is my second "career" semester fully distance. I love it, but next semester I'll be stuck in a classroom again. For some reason no one offers higher math classes online...silly people.