Originally Posted by jaamez
I attended a ALJC/UPCI church for 22 years and can't remember ONE message preached about the grace of God. Sure it was mentioned here and there, but I must say it appears to have been methodically avoided. I think that the responses here characterize what I think the reasons are as well. I think either pastors just don't have a grip on what God's grace really is and how it applies to the church, or they're afraid of losing control of the people. Actually, I think it's a blend of both, with the reason that they don't seek out an understanding is because they would rather control. Sounds harsh, I know.
If Grace were preached and taught in the UPCI legalistic churches, then when a woman were to cut her hair.
Then repent...They would have to put her back into the choir the moment she repented for cutting her hair.
But because the other local ministers within a district would notice these women with cut hair.
The pastors chose not to preach or teach the Grace of God.
They chose to preach it is a sin.. (What without repentance?)
It is not only about show me your walk with God by how you look and measure to my contentious standards.
It is about how their church looks to the other churches in the district.
It these men were to punish real sin the way they punish the standards list, we would all be looking at a video screen each Sunday.
Because no one would be worthy to preach, sing, take up an offering or teach a class.
It is all about looks period......