Originally Posted by Sam
I have heard (or read) that if I harbor unforgiveness, it is like me drinking poison and hoping the other person dies.
Said I had more to say about The Shack. Here's something:
In the book, we have "God" going to extraordinary lengths to help one particular fellow who's having a hard time. He's depressed. Can't seem to recover, after a horrible tragedy. This singling someone out for a miracle reminds me of the "real" God's behavior in the "real" world,
as some claim. There are millions of unlucky folks in situations like Mack's who never hear a peep from God, and some live out their lives in darkness, some end their own lives. But once in a while, we are expected to believe, God reaches out, maybe sends an angel, maybe a vision, maybe a "healing", and that lucky one lives to tell of God's wonderful mercy. "Isn't God good?" we hear, and we must agree! OK, sure, God is good to a select few (apparently). Those that God is "especially fond of", I guess (a recurring theme of the book, but God is especially fond of
everyone -- in the book's universe).
And yet, we are expected to believe that God is no respecter of persons (and the book reminds us of this). I guess the rest of those folks are just supposed to kind of absorb some of the wonderfulness of those lucky ones' miracles, and climb out of the darkness themselves. Or they are reprimanded, told they must just trust God (as we are told in the book, many times).
No excuses. God's healing power is available to all. Just have to reach out and accept it.