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Old 08-24-2008, 07:28 PM
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Re: Songwriter a Fraud

Originally Posted by ManOfWord View Post
Salvation has nothing to do with the anointing. God will cause His anointing to be upon whomever He chooses for whatever purpose He chooses. The person doesn't have to be saved or even in a right relationship with God. God anoints for the purpose, primarily, of touching those who need the message, in word, song or whatever.

These things happened to Mike because of decision he made. At any time he could have stopped and asked for help. He didn't. He chose to try to handle it himself and destruction has followed. I can imagine him desperately wanting deliverance and promising God over and over that he would stop only to let the flesh reign instead of Jesus. I don't think for a moment, that he was malicious or had some grand plan to get rich or to deceive people. I do believe that he felt trapped and and unable to get free. That is what the enemy does to us. God loves him so much that He allowed all of this to come to light to set Mike free!

It is so sad that it had to come to this, but Jesus comes to the rescue of broken vessels when they cry to Him. May Mike and his family cry out to the Healer!

I have folks in our church who know Mike (they've been to Planet Shakers) and they are devastated like everyone else. Sorry, I'm fresh out of stones to cast. Please don't bother loaning me any of yours.
No one is casting stones at the man.

I don't even know why you even bothered to respond to what I posted, because what you've just said is mostly irrelevant to the point I was making. (You seem to have a habit of doing that, I must say.)

So once again, you [unnecessarily] shift into "I'm-more-merciful-than-you" mode; it's become a little predictable coming from you, and frankly, it's also become a bit tiresome.

I know little about the man, and have only heard the song a few times, and I did say I liked the song, and it's been a blessing to many. That said, my point was much larger than this one man. If you bothered to read and understand what my post was about, maybe you'd see it was not about "casting stones" at Michael. Whether you wish to admit it or not, clearly the man was not right with God. The man did perpetrate a financial and emotional fraud against thousands of people who trusted him. That's a fact, and that shouldn't be glossed over. That's not "casting stones", thats just a basic observation --- but that was not even the point of my post. I would re-state what the point I was making, but something tells me it wouldn't make much of a difference. You seem to see what you want to see anyway.
Daniel 12:3 And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars for ever.

I'm T France, and I approved this message.
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Old 08-24-2008, 07:33 PM
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Re: Songwriter a Fraud

Originally Posted by TRFrance View Post
I don't mean to be harsh toward this guy, and I actually like the song.... but I have to speak frankly here:

It's interesting that a song that's been such a blessing can come out of the soul of someone who's such a liar and a fraud.

I am reminded of a guy named Parham, Charles Parham?? Or maybe I've got his name wrong. Is it historical fact that this man, used by the Lord, had an attraction for other men and even children?
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."
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Old 08-24-2008, 07:34 PM
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Re: Songwriter a Fraud

Originally Posted by ManOfWord View Post
Salvation has nothing to do with the anointing. God will cause His anointing to be upon whomever He chooses for whatever purpose He chooses. The person doesn't have to be saved or even in a right relationship with God. God anoints for the purpose, primarily, of touching those who need the message, in word, song or whatever.
MOW, would you explain your opinion a little more on this. I'm curious as to your line of thinking on this. I'm not attacking it or endorsing it. I'm pretty much in the middle, but not sure I believe that completely.

I'm not certain that an unsaved person can bear the true annointing of God. A donkey carried a message once and that's what most people point too, but is it really possible for an unsaved person who isn't endued with His Holy Spirit to be annointed.

I think it's an interesting subject and I'd like to hear more from your viewpoint on this.
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Old 08-24-2008, 07:40 PM
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Re: Songwriter a Fraud

Originally Posted by 1399 View Post
I am reminded of a guy named Parham, Charles Parham?? Or maybe I've got his name wrong. Is it historical fact that this man, used by the Lord, had an attraction for other men and even children?
Never heard that one.

I do know some considered him to be racist, but I don't know anything about allegations of homosexuality and/or pedophilia.
Daniel 12:3 And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars for ever.

I'm T France, and I approved this message.
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Old 08-24-2008, 07:41 PM
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Re: Songwriter a Fraud

One of the best gospel songs of all time was authored by a drunk who died in the back seat of car as a result of an overdose of pills.

I Saw the Light ranks up there with Amazing Grace as one the best gospel songs ever. Penned by the greatest songwriter ever, Hank Williams.

Originally Posted by ManOfWord View Post
Salvation has nothing to do with the anointing. God will cause His anointing to be upon whomever He chooses for whatever purpose He chooses. The person doesn't have to be saved or even in a right relationship with God. God anoints for the purpose, primarily, of touching those who need the message, in word, song or whatever.

These things happened to Mike because of decision he made. At any time he could have stopped and asked for help. He didn't. He chose to try to handle it himself and destruction has followed. I can imagine him desperately wanting deliverance and promising God over and over that he would stop only to let the flesh reign instead of Jesus. I don't think for a moment, that he was malicious or had some grand plan to get rich or to deceive people. I do believe that he felt trapped and and unable to get free. That is what the enemy does to us. God loves him so much that He allowed all of this to come to light to set Mike free!

It is so sad that it had to come to this, but Jesus comes to the rescue of broken vessels when they cry to Him. May Mike and his family cry out to the Healer!

I have folks in our church who know Mike (they've been to Planet Shakers) and they are devastated like everyone else. Sorry, I'm fresh out of stones to cast. Please don't bother loaning me any of yours.
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Old 08-24-2008, 07:41 PM
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Re: Songwriter a Fraud

Originally Posted by TRFrance View Post
No one is casting stones at the man.

I don't even know why you even bothered to respond to what I posted, because what you've just said is mostly irrelevant to the point I was making. (You seem to have a habit of doing that, I must say.)

So once again, you [unnecessarily] shift into "I'm-more-merciful-than-you" mode; it's become a little predictable coming from you, and frankly, it's also become a bit tiresome.

I know little about the man, and have only heard the song a few times, and I did say I liked the song, and it's been a blessing to many. That said, my point was much larger than this one man. If you bothered to read and understand what my post was about, maybe you'd see it was not about "casting stones" at Michael. Whether you wish to admit it or not, clearly the man was not right with God. That's not "casting stones", thats just a basic observation --- but that was not even the point of my post. I would re-state what the point I was making, but something tells me it wouldn't make much of a difference. You seem to see what you want to see anyway.
I guess you took that a little personal, huh? Typical. Sorry, it wasn't meant that way. You have a right to your opinions, wrong as they may be, but I don't tire of them. They are as valuable as anyone else's. I have admitted he wasn't right with God, however, I was on target with my assessment:

In September in 2006, Mike had an accident and went to hospital. It was at this time, because of his torment of living a double life, Mike thought he could escape the pain by creating a diversion from his addiction to adult pornography, so he created the cancer scenario.

The pain of this addiction was so deep that he started something he couldn't stop and proceeded on a downward spiral that led to him experiencing pain and suffering that resulted in constant vomiting and many other symptoms of a genuine sufferer.

Sharonne and I witnessed these episodes and pained and wept over his suffering. Michael wrote the song Healer because he wanted God to set him free from his addiction but hid it behind the lie of a fabricated illness.

Read the rest of the article here:

"Those who go after the "Sauls" among us often slay the Davids among us." Gene Edwards
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Old 08-24-2008, 07:48 PM
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Re: Songwriter a Fraud

Deliver this man from the clutches of pornography. You know our frame as men. You know how satan desires to destroy everything good you have given us. I know the pain of such an addiction. I pray that you heal him completely, just as I know You are healing me completely. Thank you for being a GOD that heals and restores. When our addictions bring us to the cusp of utter destruction, You are the GOD that SAVES!

Lord Jesus, thank you for your mercy.

In Jesus Name, amen.
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Old 08-24-2008, 09:40 PM
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Re: Songwriter a Fraud

Originally Posted by ManOfWord View Post

Read the rest of the article here:

Just read the statement from the Michaels father........................so sad.

I pray for this family, Michael and everyone involved.
East of I-5
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Old 08-25-2008, 06:34 AM
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Re: Songwriter a Fraud

Originally Posted by MikeinAR View Post
MOW, would you explain your opinion a little more on this. I'm curious as to your line of thinking on this. I'm not attacking it or endorsing it. I'm pretty much in the middle, but not sure I believe that completely.

I'm not certain that an unsaved person can bear the true annointing of God. A donkey carried a message once and that's what most people point too, but is it really possible for an unsaved person who isn't endued with His Holy Spirit to be annointed.

I think it's an interesting subject and I'd like to hear more from your viewpoint on this.

OK, here is my take: God is sovereign. He can and do whatever He desires and His word gives us the boundaries in which He will work. The Bible is replete with people who had SERIOUS character flaws and God used them anyway. God using a person is NO certification of their right standing with Him. Shockamoo, or an outward blessing in a church service is no certification of right standing with God either.

The anointing is NOT dependent upon salvation. It is totally dependent upon performing His will for His purposes. Someone certainly CAN be anointed of God for a purpose and not even be saved. The anointing does not reside with them, I don't think, but God can impart it whenever He desires. I believe that God anoints leaders and people all over the world for His glory and to accomplish His purposes for His people. He could anoint a business man to be successful for His purposes and man not even be saved.

I also believe TR touched upon an important point as well when he said that some confuse anointing with talent. I believe that can be true as well and sometimes it is difficult to tell the difference. However, since James states that every good and perfect gift comes from God, ALL talent is from Him and is an anointing to some degree, from my point of view.

For instance, I had lunch with a VERY influential communist while in China and God has used him to protect an illegal church/Bible school that I recently taught at. I believe that God has anointed him for that purpose. I had the privilege of praying for him at our lunch and he is an atheist at this point. He received my prayer well and even said, "Amen" at its conclusion.

So that is why I say that anointing has nothing to do with salvation. We can't earn it, pray enough for it, do enough good works for it etc. However, I believe it does take those things to partner with God. God is the Giver for His purposes and is more concerned with those being blessed through whomever He anoints than He is the one who is anointed by Him, IMO.
"Those who go after the "Sauls" among us often slay the Davids among us." Gene Edwards
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Old 08-25-2008, 12:56 PM
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Re: Songwriter a Fraud

Originally Posted by ManOfWord View Post
OK, here is my take: God is sovereign. He can and do whatever He desires and His word gives us the boundaries in which He will work. The Bible is replete with people who had SERIOUS character flaws and God used them anyway. God using a person is NO certification of their right standing with Him. Shockamoo, or an outward blessing in a church service is no certification of right standing with God either.

I competely agree with all of this. He used, David, Sampson, Saul who became Paul and the cursing fisherman Peter. I also agree that a person can be directed by God for his purposes without his endorsement of that person. He's sovereign and can use his creation for his purposes.

The anointing is NOT dependent upon salvation. It is totally dependent upon performing His will for His purposes. Someone certainly CAN be anointed of God for a purpose and not even be saved. The anointing does not reside with them, I don't think, but God can impart it whenever He desires. I believe that God anoints leaders and people all over the world for His glory and to accomplish His purposes for His people. He could anoint a business man to be successful for His purposes and man not even be saved.

I think here is where I disagree. Every New Testament use of someone being anointed is when the individual is in right relationship with God. (2 Corinthians 1:21, 1John 2:20,27, Hebrews 1:9) If you take that word back to the Greek to it's base word according to Strong, it's the enduing of power to Christian believers. I agree that people can be directed and used for a sovereign purpose at a sovereign time but not necessarily be annointed, IMO. From what I can find, anointing wasn't a gift or attritube of the unGodly.

I also believe TR touched upon an important point as well when he said that some confuse anointing with talent. I believe that can be true as well and sometimes it is difficult to tell the difference. However, since James states that every good and perfect gift comes from God, ALL talent is from Him and is an anointing to some degree, from my point of view.

No disagreements here. Talent is God imparted many times and the individual freely chooses to use that talent as they see fit. Talent can be used by an unsaved person in a gospel setting and stir and move people (ala Hank Williams "I saw the Light") or Elvis' gospel tunes. Withouth question, talent can be and often is mistaken for the anointing, IMO.
It's interesting to think about and discuss. I enjoy your posts because you make the wheels in my head turn most of the time which is a good thing.
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