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Old 02-14-2007, 10:23 AM
Sister Truth Seeker

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OK everyone....I am headed to the coast today, first time in awhile...and I won't be returning unitl next Monday....soooo I am expecting great praise reports from all my friends here....

Happy Valentines all you dear people...have a great weekend...

IF QE gets here tell her HI for me...I am missing her like crazy!!!

Love to you all...huge hugs .....(I am a hugger)have a wonderful weekend...See you on Monday...God willing and the creeks don't rise!!! Sophie says...see ya later!
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Old 02-14-2007, 10:28 AM
Sweet Pea Sweet Pea is offline
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Just checking in this morning..... It didn't start off too well.... Trying to fix homemade salsa for my dear hubby for his snack when he get home from work - and the sink stopped up. Trying to take care of that made me late for work....

But.......... This is the day the Lord hath made and I WILL rejoice in it!

May each of you have a blessed day!
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11
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Old 02-14-2007, 10:53 AM
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Originally Posted by Ron View Post
Oh my!

My Wife was tired & fell asleep on the couch. Ryan was asleep in the bedroom.
I am in my office and I heard, "Honey! Honey!" I thought my wife was having a charlie horse or something.

I ran in there and I saw Ryan standing there with his pajama bottoms down to the floor peeing all over the rug! He thought he was in the bathroom!

Ron, I can only laugh like this because we've experienced similiar. One night when Justin was about 4, he got up in the night, walked to the bathroom and peed into the cat litter box!! I was rolling off the bed laughing. Walt didn't see it as that funny. But then again, it's his job to change the cat litter.
Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of a battle ! ! ! !
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Old 02-14-2007, 10:57 AM
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Originally Posted by Sweet Pea View Post
Just checking in this morning..... It didn't start off too well.... Trying to fix homemade salsa for my dear hubby for his snack when he get home from work - and the sink stopped up. Trying to take care of that made me late for work....

But.......... This is the day the Lord hath made and I WILL rejoice in it!

May each of you have a blessed day!
This reminds me of the one and only time I ever made homemade salsa...

My sister and I had the bright idea to do this ourselves, although neither of us have done much canning. Actually I had NEVER done any canning, but have watched others do it. She had some experience with it, and was going to teach me how.

On the first batch of jars that were put in the boiling pot of water, one broke. So when the time was up, we took all the other jars out, and I did what every other non-canning person would do....I dumped the contents of the boiling pot of water in the sink.

Yes, it clogged up. And yes, I immediately reached my hand in to unclog the drain. No, I wasn't thinking about 'boiling hot' water.

Although my hand was in there long enough to unclog the drain, amazingly it didn't burn...but I'm positive it was from all the 'Jesus!', 'Jesus!', 'Jesus!'s I uttered.

The lesson was not a total wash...I learned how NOT to can...and my sister learned how to react in dire consequences.
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Old 02-14-2007, 10:57 AM
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Just dropping in to wish all you lovely ladies a very Happy Valentine's Day!!!!

...and Ron.
Master of Science in Applied Disgruntled Religious Theorist Wrangling
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Old 02-14-2007, 11:02 AM
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we had just moved to a new house and Chase my then 7 year old sleep walks when there have been any major changes in his life.

So it is the first night at the new house and I go to check on the boys and Chase is missing! I couldn't find him and I was almost in a panic That's when I heard someone in the closet in Bryen's room. I go check and there is Chase. Apparently he had went in the closet thinking it was the bathroom---closed the door behind him--peed in the closet--and then had trouble getting out of the closet.

Bryen wasn't a happy camper to find out what his brother did in his closet...lol
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Old 02-14-2007, 11:04 AM
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That was in repsonse to Margie and Ron's stories...lol
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Old 02-14-2007, 11:05 AM
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I made jelly once and it was the most expensive jelly ever!

The jelly turned out great - didn't burn my hands, didn't break any jars, however I did have to replace my stove.

I had a smooth top and the knobs and sensors were all on the front panel. The big oversized pan that I used to boil the jars hung over the front a bit.

Well, the heat from the pan burned out the sensor panel, actually melted it all.

Had to replace the whole stove.
Master of Science in Applied Disgruntled Religious Theorist Wrangling
PhD in Petulant Tantrum Quelling
Dean of the School of Hard Knocks
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Old 02-14-2007, 11:06 AM
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Wow! I am so excited to see all these new ladies here with us.
to every one of you!!

Sweet Pea, you made homemade salsa for your hubby? Im sooooo impressed!! Will you do us a favor? Will you please post your recipe in the Recipe area? I'm always looking for good recipes. And I LOVE salsa!!! I believe we eat it every day - my son and I. He comes home from school, grabs the jar of salsa and the chips and heads to his room to do homework. It's a daily ritual.

AG, can't wait to see the house that God is giving to you.

SisTS, we'll miss you, but have a great weekend.

TheMrs., I agree - I'd love to see more of you here!! You are a treasure!!

Rhoni, you sound a little more "up" today. I'm glad to hear that. Still praying tho!

Ron, did you get the carpet cleaned?

You know what's fun about this? When we all get to heaven, we can have this great big GABBY'S REUNION. It can last for as long as we care to. And we can invite Jesus to join us, just like we do now I, for one, am looking forward to that day.
Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of a battle ! ! ! !
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Old 02-14-2007, 11:10 AM
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By the way, just so you know - we are also snowed in. They're calling this the Blizzard of 2007. It's nothing like the Blizzard of '78 tho, believe me. I was there!! In fact, it was because of that Blizzard that I first met MichaelPhelps.

The boys are home from school. Walt is home from work. And I have no daycare kids because no one is working. Whoooooha!!

Walt has not even tried to shovel this time. , Jesus!!
My boys have joined up with the neighbor boys and the whole gang is going door to door down the road offering to shovel people's sidewalks for them. They're hoping that some people will offer them a little $$'s, but they'll do their walks whether they do or not. Even if they make a little money, by the time they split it six ways, they won't have much. It's more for the fun, ya know.
Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of a battle ! ! ! !
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