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Old 08-18-2008, 06:46 PM
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Re: Obama & Mcain on TV Tonight!!

I am so glad to see you discussing the issues!!!!!!!!

I will respond with more soon.
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Old 08-18-2008, 07:05 PM
HappyTown HappyTown is offline

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Re: Obama & Mcain on TV Tonight!!

Originally Posted by OnenessWoman View Post
Wimp!!! Now, go march right on in there and apologize, missy...or your electricity may be cut off next time!!
I can't I'm a wimp..
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Old 08-18-2008, 07:15 PM
Rico Rico is offline
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Re: Obama & Mcain on TV Tonight!!

Originally Posted by vrblackwell View Post
I agree with the natural gas thought. However, take decades to get cars converted and to have stations in place to provide the gas. Are you going to buy a new car for everyone?

Wind power is something we ought to be using more of. Again, it will take years an billions of dollars to accomplish this. Wind alone would never provide enough power for the country.

We use coal and should be using more. Obama and the Dem's are against using coal, and natural gas.

If it was profitable for car dealers to build and sale cars that run on Hydrogen they would be doing it. The technology is not perfected enough to build the cars at affordable prices. Hybrids are also to expensive.

I was raised around oil drilling in La. My have family that has worked in that industry for years. I myself worked in it for awhile. They can start drilling in many new places and have that oil on the market within 2 to 3 years.

I have family that on land with both oil and gas reserves on them in La. You nor the Dem's may can fool a lot of people who do not know any better, but not me.

There is a reason that senators and congressman, both republicans and democrats, from states like La and TX are strong advocates for drilling. Because they know that they lies that Obama and Pelosi spew about oil drilling are just that, lies.

Rico, you bring up the fact that the oil companies have thousands of acres that they are not drilling on. This again shows the lack of knowledge that you and the Dem's who feed you this nonsense have of this topic.

When new land is opened up for drilling the oil companies have to bid on those acres. The acreage goes to the highest bidder. They do not know when they bid how much oil is on tat land, if any. It is a chance they take.

After they win the lease, they have to spend millions more fighting the environmentalist in court just to explore the land to see if enough oil is there to merit drilling. They will spend millions of dollars to explore to see if there is enough oil there to make the investment of drilling.

If these leases had enough oil on them, believe me, they would be using them.

As far as taxing corporations. You guys are economic chowder heads if you think that taxing big business is beneficial to America.

Ireland is sitting back and watching, hoping and praying that we do not lower taxes on big business. There have benefited greatly from America having one of the highest tax rates for big business.

Lets pretend you own a business that produces tennis shoes. You are looking to build a factory that will produce 3000 new jobs. If you build in Ohio, you will pay a tax of 39% between the state and federal tax. You will also be paying your employees a salary starting at $13.00 an hour.

If you build that new factory in Ireland or some other countries, you will pay a tax of 12% and pay your employees a starting salary of 9 dollars an hr. As a business man who is looking to make a profit in order to make investors happy, where are you going to build? Ireland of course.

There goes 3000 jobs that Ohio could have had, plus tax dollars, not only from what the owner paid, but also from each dollar that those employed by the company spent.

This is simple economics as well as biblical principles. "Don't muzzle the ox that treads the corn"
I'm a chowder head? Ok. Whatever. It's plain to see what a wonderful job the current Republican administration has been doing in dealing with the economy. Yeah. I think the Republicans have earned potentially another 8 years of their ideas. NOT!!
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Old 08-18-2008, 10:07 PM
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Re: Obama & Mcain on TV Tonight!!

Originally Posted by Rico View Post
I'm a chowder head? Ok. Whatever. It's plain to see what a wonderful job the current Republican administration has been doing in dealing with the economy. Yeah. I think the Republicans have earned potentially another 8 years of their ideas. NOT!!
Rico, please tell me what has been so bad about our economy? Under Bush we have grown the GDP every Quarter. It has only been in the last few quarters that growth has slowed down. But it has still grown.

Unemployment has been at it's lowest levels ever under Bush. It has risen slightly in the last few quarters due to high energy prices which would not have happened if Clinton would not have vetoed the bill passed by republicans to drill in ANWR 10 years ago.

Even with unemployment rising over the last few quarters it is still lower then it ever was under Clinton. The economy is not bad. Housing is down, energy is up. Those things will be back on track shortly. The dollar is rising again in value which will help.

People talk about the debt our country is in. We do have a lot of debt. But what they don't tell you is that our debt in relation to our income or economy size is very small.

It would be the same as an individual who makes 200,000 a year having a debt of 15,000 to 20,000 thousand dollars. That is not bad. In fact, in relation to other countries, America has the best debt to income ratio.

All the negative things you hear about how bad America is doing is simply politicians playing the fear game.
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Old 08-18-2008, 10:28 PM
Rico Rico is offline
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Re: Obama & Mcain on TV Tonight!!

Originally Posted by vrblackwell View Post
Rico, please tell me what has been so bad about our economy? Under Bush we have grown the GDP every Quarter. It has only been in the last few quarters that growth has slowed down. But it has still grown.

Unemployment has been at it's lowest levels ever under Bush. It has risen slightly in the last few quarters due to high energy prices which would not have happened if Clinton would not have vetoed the bill passed by republicans to drill in ANWR 10 years ago.

Even with unemployment rising over the last few quarters it is still lower then it ever was under Clinton. The economy is not bad. Housing is down, energy is up. Those things will be back on track shortly. The dollar is rising again in value which will help.

People talk about the debt our country is in. We do have a lot of debt. But what they don't tell you is that our debt in relation to our income or economy size is very small.

It would be the same as an individual who makes 200,000 a year having a debt of 15,000 to 20,000 thousand dollars. That is not bad. In fact, in relation to other countries, America has the best debt to income ratio.

All the negative things you hear about how bad America is doing is simply politicians playing the fear game.
What kind of jobs are we talking about, VB? Do you know how many people have lost good, high paying jobs in industries like the automotive industry? There have been tens of thousands of jobs go adiosville, permanently. A lot of good it does to replace high paying jobs with ones that barely pay enough to keep a roof over your head. Some economic system. Let's just open the doors wide as possible for corporations to take their jobs overseas, while we are also allowing cut rate Chinese companies come in and sell us their cheap, poorly made junk. Yeah. That makes sense.

Republicans don't give a hoot about the working man in this country. As long as they can find a way to make a buck, that's all Republicans are interested in, and they don't care one bit about having to keep Americans in virtual serfdom to do it. Please. Don't talk to me about Republican economic policies. They create these problems and then try to point the finger at Democrats who come up with ways of helping the people Republicans have hurt with their policies.

Yeah. We've had 7 years of prosperity. Prosperity for corporations. They've gotten richer while the average American has gotten poorer. I'm sick of believing the Republican's lies. They can't be trusted and I am sick of supporting a party just because they happen to be pro-life. Big deal. They don't believe in abortion. I'm not impressed! A lot they have done to stop abortion in this country. NOTHING! That's what they've done about it. NOTHING! As long as they can continue to convince gullible Christians to vote for them, they will continue to stay in power and financially rape the middle class of America. Some righteousness they stand for! No thanks!
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Old 08-19-2008, 08:47 AM
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Re: Obama & Mcain on TV Tonight!!

Originally Posted by Rico View Post
What kind of jobs are we talking about, VB? Do you know how many people have lost good, high paying jobs in industries like the automotive industry? There have been tens of thousands of jobs go adiosville, permanently. A lot of good it does to replace high paying jobs with ones that barely pay enough to keep a roof over your head. Some economic system. Let's just open the doors wide as possible for corporations to take their jobs overseas, while we are also allowing cut rate Chinese companies come in and sell us their cheap, poorly made junk. Yeah. That makes sense.

Republicans don't give a hoot about the working man in this country. As long as they can find a way to make a buck, that's all Republicans are interested in, and they don't care one bit about having to keep Americans in virtual serfdom to do it. Please. Don't talk to me about Republican economic policies. They create these problems and then try to point the finger at Democrats who come up with ways of helping the people Republicans have hurt with their policies.

Yeah. We've had 7 years of prosperity. Prosperity for corporations. They've gotten richer while the average American has gotten poorer. I'm sick of believing the Republican's lies. They can't be trusted and I am sick of supporting a party just because they happen to be pro-life. Big deal. They don't believe in abortion. I'm not impressed! A lot they have done to stop abortion in this country. NOTHING! That's what they've done about it. NOTHING! As long as they can continue to convince gullible Christians to vote for them, they will continue to stay in power and financially rape the middle class of America. Some righteousness they stand for! No thanks!

Again, you know not what you say. More people have become rich and more people have moved into the middle class bracket in the last seven years then ever in our history.

You destroy your on argument. The reason factories that pay good have left and went oversees is because of the high corporate taxes they are having to pay here. The more you tax business, the less money they have to create new jobs and pay more.

Years ago, Nissan was looking to build a new production factory. It would create around 5000 jobs all starting at around 40,000 thousand a year. They were looking at several different states in the south.

Louisiana and Mississippi were two of those states. Louisiana was their first choice, however, due to the high tax rate they had on big business they chose to build in Canton, MS outside of Jackson.

Because of the high taxes La wanted to charge they went somewhere else. It works the same way on a national level.

McCain is wanting to lower corporate tax while Obama is wanting to raise it even higher.

Below is a link to an excellent blog article. In it it has a chart which shows the tax rates of each country. Click on the chart and it will enlarge.

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