Originally Posted by Pastor Poster
I believe we interpret the Bible's core doctrines very well. We place proper emphasis on salvation and discipleship. Our services truly are "Spirit-filled."
We balk at taking away from the Word, but we are the world's worst at adding to it. We are not community-service oriented. We are kingdom builders, but not God's kingdom. We find new and unique ways of keeping people out instead of being the gatherers God called us to be.
Very good post!
1. Exuberant praise and worship
2. Good music (for the most part!)
3. As a general rule, they seem to take their religion seriously.
4. Spirit filled and spirit led services
5. Correctly baptize and understand godhead (for the most part)
1. Following "standards" cause them to stick out and seem cultist to non-Apostolics.
2. Seem to be judgmental of others.
3. Seem to be cliquish and not mix well with the outsiders.
4. Sometimes will try to stir emotions by yelling or screaming, and call it "anointing"
Tendency to believe they are more spiritual and on a higher plane than anyone else.