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Old 03-23-2007, 08:10 PM
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Originally Posted by CareyM View Post
Well ladies, I just found out that my grandpa has either lukemia or bone cancer. He's been sick and was in the hospital recently with pnumonia, is now home but not impoving, steadily growing worse. The blood tests just came back today...I guess he had an Uncle die from lukemia years ago.

The hardest part about all this is that I may not be able to attend the funeral when he does go...not only that, but most importantly, he does not know the Lord.
Ouch, Carey, that's tough!! We need to pray that his heart becomes open and soft and ready to receive what God wants to say to him.

Does your grandpa live near you where youa re now? Or is he in the Chicago area? Or neither one????
Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of a battle ! ! ! !
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Old 03-24-2007, 09:28 AM
LaVonne LaVonne is offline
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Originally Posted by Margies3 View Post
Ouch, Carey, that's tough!! We need to pray that his heart becomes open and soft and ready to receive what God wants to say to him.

Does your grandpa live near you where youa re now? Or is he in the Chicago area? Or neither one????
He lives where we are now...that's what's hard for me...I've always lived near my Grandparents and we've been very close. In fact, I'm more of a daughter to them than a granddaughter.
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Old 03-24-2007, 09:28 AM
LaVonne LaVonne is offline
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Originally Posted by myhaloisintheshop View Post
my 9 year old is driving me nuts today. I can't even fathom how the child will act when he is a teenager. I may just call the mental institution and reserve a room
Can you reserve a spot for me too? I tell you, my four boys have been wild!
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Old 03-24-2007, 09:29 AM
LaVonne LaVonne is offline
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Originally Posted by Margies3 View Post
I'm sitting here chuckling, Renda, because those chairs are reminding me of the beds they used to have in the sleezy hotels where you could insert a quarter and the bed would vibrate for a few minutes. We found one of those places on our honeymoon by accident. We went to Pennsylvania and needed a place to stay way out in the boonies somewhere. All that was available was one of those little "Mom 'n Pop" places. It was clean and not full of hookers or anything. But it did have one of those beds. Walt was soooooooo funny! I bet he spent $10.00 on the bed that night. He'd put the quarter in, lay down and laugh till we both we crying.
OH Margie, you are so funny...I can see it now! LOL
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Old 03-24-2007, 09:32 AM
LaVonne LaVonne is offline
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Originally Posted by Margies3 View Post
Actually, MyHalo, I can give you a great example of how it is when they are a teen - you'll feel so much better (NOT!)

Last week, my 17 year old son stole $20 out of his brother's bedroom. He didn't need the money. He was just mad at his brother and knew that if you want to get under his skin, all you have to do is mess with his money. Keith (the 13 year old) is VERY tight with his money!!

So then Justin went to youth group and was bragging to one of Keith's friends that he took it. That friend went to Keith (of course) and told him what Justin had said. So Keith came home and told me.

I asked Justin if he had taken it. His answer? "FINE! I'll give him the $20 and then all I'll left is $13." Well, duh! that's all he would have had if he had not stolen the money to begin with. So, he gave the money back.

But then I told him that there had to be a punishment for stealing. You can't steal and get away with it. As an adult, you go to jail for stealing!!! You should have seen him!! He went ballistic!! He was so mad that he was going to be punished (and he didn't even know yet what the punishment was going to be!). He's screaming at me and carrying on. In fact, he got so worked up, he hyper-ventilated!! And the final straw was this.......... He declared up and down that it was MY fault that he had taken that money. That if I "had been a better mother when he was little", he wouldn't have done it. Excuse me???

Needless to say, as a result of this, he has lost alot of privileges. And he had to write letters of apology to me (for his nasty words) and to Keith (for taking his money). And he had extra chores to do. And he knows he is skating on thin ice. He wants to go to Gatlinburg over EAster break with a friend. But it's only going to take one small infraction for that to not happen and he knows it.

So you think 9 is bad? hehehehehe Just wait!!
Ok, so I am a normal mom?! I tell you, these teenage boys are something else...our oldest would've done the same thing!
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Old 03-24-2007, 10:53 AM
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Originally Posted by CareyM View Post
Ok, so I am a normal mom?! I tell you, these teenage boys are something else...our oldest would've done the same thing!
Oh ya, I'm sure you are VERY normal as a mom. What's NOT normal is the behavior of these teenage boys. I can't wait for their hormones to settle down. Good heavens, if they don't slow down soon, I'm not sure any of us will survive. I'm thinking you'll be reading about us in the paper someday!

I understand when you say how close you are to your grandparents. That's how I was with my Mom's parents. I was the oldest and only grandchild for several years, so I was more like their last child than like their first grandchild. When I was a baby, I'm told that I was very fussy and the only place I would sleep through the night was laying across my grandma's chest. So I spent many, many nights with them. Grandpa died when I was 14 and Grandma when I was 31. It truly broke my heart to lose them.

Spend what time you can with them now while you are still there near them. If you can't be there after he passes, don't beat yourself up over it. The time you spend with HIM is always going to be more important than the time you would spend with his body at his funeral. Tell him now how much you love him. Share with him now that God loves him and that you want to spend eternity with him. Once you've done that, it's up to him. It's between him and God. And in the meantime, Lord, speak to his heart. Make him hungry for you.
Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of a battle ! ! ! !
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Old 03-24-2007, 12:30 PM
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There is nothing like your grandparents house. I loved staying over there. It was so peaceful. All your troubles just faded away.

Thanksgiving of 2005 Grandma passed away and I still have a hard time dealing with it.
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Old 03-24-2007, 02:16 PM
LaVonne LaVonne is offline
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Originally Posted by Margies3 View Post
Oh ya, I'm sure you are VERY normal as a mom. What's NOT normal is the behavior of these teenage boys. I can't wait for their hormones to settle down. Good heavens, if they don't slow down soon, I'm not sure any of us will survive. I'm thinking you'll be reading about us in the paper someday!

I understand when you say how close you are to your grandparents. That's how I was with my Mom's parents. I was the oldest and only grandchild for several years, so I was more like their last child than like their first grandchild. When I was a baby, I'm told that I was very fussy and the only place I would sleep through the night was laying across my grandma's chest. So I spent many, many nights with them. Grandpa died when I was 14 and Grandma when I was 31. It truly broke my heart to lose them.

Spend what time you can with them now while you are still there near them. If you can't be there after he passes, don't beat yourself up over it. The time you spend with HIM is always going to be more important than the time you would spend with his body at his funeral. Tell him now how much you love him. Share with him now that God loves him and that you want to spend eternity with him. Once you've done that, it's up to him. It's between him and God. And in the meantime, Lord, speak to his heart. Make him hungry for you.
Thanks Margie...they truely are very special to me! Grandma and Grandpa's house (The Farm) has always been a haven for me...a safe place. They've always been there for me and losing them will be extemely painful. Thank you for the prayer and I'll most definitly try to see them once more before we leave. Grandpa does not even know he's dying...The oldest daughter plans to tell them on Tuesday when he has a doctor's appt. So, I'll wait until after Tuesday...he'll better understand.
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Old 03-24-2007, 02:16 PM
LaVonne LaVonne is offline
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Originally Posted by myhaloisintheshop View Post
There is nothing like your grandparents house. I loved staying over there. It was so peaceful. All your troubles just faded away.

Thanksgiving of 2005 Grandma passed away and I still have a hard time dealing with it.
I'm so sorry!

I feel so sad just thinking about it.
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Old 03-24-2007, 02:19 PM
AmazingGrace AmazingGrace is offline
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Hey Ladies and Ron!!!!!

Miss you all so much I cant stand it sometimes but guess thats life I still havent decided if we are getting internet at home or not yet... I will decide sometime this coming week. Its just been so nice and quiet and peaceful that I almost cant imagine my life any different right now... just enjoying living in the country being with hubby and the kids and planting my flowers and loving life!!! It was time for a break and God has sure given it... been doing a couple of things with the church but other than that just being all alone just us and God

Do miss yall and even if we dont get internet I will check in whenever I cometo visit mom and dad or I will check in with Carey and find out how yall are doing

Again take care all and keep in touch... sistinok at yahoo. com... dont be strangers
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