I HAVE to take two meds a day, until the Lord decides to heal me, to SURVIVE!
Metformin and Glyburide. Only three times have I been off of them, and all three times, I just about died. I will not go on the needle for personal reasons.
doc told me one time i patch them up god heals them, i am not a med person either, but if it was my health then wisdom teaches me to take care and follow my docs instructions, dt
A product of a pentecostal raisin, I am a hard man, just ask my children
My friend, Good old fashion prayer can cure anything and I am living walking proof!
My sons are both alive and well today because of good old fashioned prayer too! But lets be sure to also point out that during the birth of my first son, both he and my wife would have died that day had it not been for Doctors and modern medicine.
that however doesnt change the fact that there are times when modern medicine IS called for. The Quad. Bypass my dad has in 1992 sure seems to have stood him in good sted. he is with us to this day. the Drs. gave him 5 years in 1992.
God did not see fit to heal my back in 2006. Lortab and a good surgon got me on the road to recovery.
Brother Epley can give you some names of preachers that preached against medical treatment until they got deathly sick.
Zelousness for God is no excuse for bad doctrine. Drugs = witchcraft is BAD doctrine.
I am not teaching it, but I am only going by what it says. That is how it is written and that is the only way that I presented it.
The idea that all medication = witchcraft is just plain poppycock!
Isaiah 53:5: "But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed."(KJV)
"God sends no one away empty except those who are full of themselves." Dwight L. Moody
The idea that all medication = witchcraft is just plain poppycock!
No one said no such thing. Where did you get that poppycock from? It wasn't from me because I never said that all medication = witchcraft. Actually, I never said any medication = witchcraft. You read something that wasn't even said.
I HAVE to take two meds a day, until the Lord decides to heal me, to SURVIVE!
Metformin and Glyburide. Only three times have I been off of them, and all three times, I just about died. I will not go on the needle for personal reasons.
Brother, I take Metformin, iron pills and vit c. Yesterday, I think I took vit C instead of Metformin and I absolutely crashed.
Is it interesting about meds. This past week I have prayed for two bi-polar friends. I told my husband how I think their condition is related to over medicating or mixing meds. In fact, one was committed to a psych ward for a couple of weeks. She said nothing is wrong w/ her and she is none stop talk. When she got out of the hospital, she said my shrink finally allowed me to get back on my fluid pills and hearing meds ???? She needs to get off some of those meds IMHO... She takes heart, blood pressure and on and on meds... I truly believe with less medication they would not have a bi polar condition.
IMHO, certain meds can contribute to evil in ones life. It is no "poppycock"! Meds are basically a mask or bandaid most of the time.
It was interesting to me too. I read the whole bible a few times, but didn't know about the witchcraft = medication.
Originally Posted by Oneness Man
It doesn't say mind altering drugs though.
From φάρμακον pharmakon (a drug, that is, spell giving potion); a druggist (“pharmacist”) or poisoner, that is, (by extension) a magician: - sorcerer.
Originally Posted by Oneness Man
No one said no such thing. Where did you get that poppycock from? It wasn't from me because I never said that all medication = witchcraft. Actually, I never said any medication = witchcraft. You read something that wasn't even said.
I never claimed that you said it, did I?
Isaiah 53:5: "But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed."(KJV)
"God sends no one away empty except those who are full of themselves." Dwight L. Moody