He was just one of those "swell" guys who seemed to always be around. As the Bible Quizzing ministry grew he was selected to assist Brother Marvin Walker in reading the quizzes at national tournaments because they had similar sounding voices and Mid-Western accents. Any "kids" who grew up around Bible Quizzing (and the adults who used to be those kids) knew Lonnie Brown well.
Thanks for the info.
__________________ http://endtimeobserver.blogspot.com
Daniel 12:3 And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars for ever.
Lonnie Brown was a Christian, through and through.
Amen to that! My daughters and I were involved in the Jr. and Sr. Quizzing program for many years on state and national levels and are truly blessed to have known Bro. Brown. A man of character, wit, integrity, friendship - just a person that made you feel good being around. He will be missed. Praying for his family.