Thanks, HO. Oh, I REALLY don't like those intitials. Excuse me. Thanks H1, I really appreciate the prayers. Things are beginning to smooth out some. Am thankful to be a small part of a BIG family of people who have alot of compassion and tolerance for somebody like me. I think of the many people who have needs... real needs.... and I feel kind of ashamed to even ask for prayer. But- if it weren't for those prayers... and for people like you... and Renda... and Tim, and Scott H...and Raven... and Falla39... and well, everyone one else, things would be a lot harder. And, this family I am a part of wouldn't be so BIG. Thanks again.
LOL! I don't mind HO at all. Only my friends call me that...LOL!
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!