Salem, Oregon (KOIN) - It may be a new low: someone posting an ad on Craigslist -- trying to sell a baby -- for money, to buy meth.
Now police are desparate to track down the person who posted it and to get the baby to safety.
The baby shown in the picture is in a diaper, covered in something that looks like food or mud.
This is some of what's said in the ad: "We are out of tweak and we will sell this baby for a $1,000."
Tweak is a street term for meth.
I'd like to see the people prosecuted to the fullest extent.
Nicholas Dunbar and his friends spotted the advertisement on the website Craigslist under the Salem area "rants and raves" section. They immediately called police.
"Any time anybody is thinking about selling a baby to exchange for meth...It's too bad," says Lt. Dave Okada with the Salem Police Department.
Okada says detectives are trying to track down whoever posted the message, but so far, they don't have any solid leads.
"Whether it's a joke or truly serious- it's not funny," says Okada.
"Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him...." -Psa. 37:7
Waiting for the Lord is easy... Waiting patiently? Not so much.