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Old 02-23-2008, 03:15 PM
JosephConroy JosephConroy is offline
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I'm so brilliant sometimes I scare myself!

You know I have had a what..."burden" for a project that SOMEONE should be doing, but can't get to myself!

But you know there is a tremendous loss of Pentecostal Music that gets more tragic every day!

There does not seem to be anyone that I have ever heard of that is doing anything bout gathering the old recordings, especially the old vinyl records that are decaying in peoples garages closets and basements in order to preserve them. Some genuine masterpieces are virtually unavailable today that are really timeless!

Some albums I would never tire of, some groups that were terrific are now forgotten!

Some the name rings a bell but their fantastic songs are completely gone from memory!

Does anyone remember the Shockleys? The Terry Harper trio? The albums put out by WABC especially the Tim Ayres "Jesus He Reigns Forever!" album?

The Apostolic Assemblies Sinaloa Bible College albums? Various PAW albums?

The list is probably endless! Some one wrote about the singing Parkers. that was a great album! And who can ever forget if you heard her sing it JUST ONCE molly Parker singing Jesus Put A Yodel in my soul! A crack up at the very same time it was an inspiration!

Willy Johnson singing... Various church albums down through the decades! I remember the church from Houston with Its Gonna rain Children! so much lost to our movement!

SOOOOOO here is my idea its probably against the law but who cares. Most of it is probably public domain anyway and I cant see any true artist screaming about having their work rescued from anonymity (then again I guess there are all kinds.)

But wouldn't it be tremendous if someone could serve as a kind of center where people who have these old albums around just waiting to go to the flea market or the dumpster, instead send them in and this person or team of persons could change them over to CD and archive them for posterity's sake????

I live over here in Germany so am completely unable to do that besides I had the idea DO I HAVE TO DO IT ALL!!!!???/

But really folks... I COULD as I travel around the states on deputation work that announcement in to my presentation that we are trying to salvage this Pentecostal music for the future and that I would be more than happy to take their albums and send them at my own expense to whoever is working on this project!

We could even do it under the table in other words, just DO IT without making a big deal out of it, certainly not for resale, (or maybe at a later date we could get permission from the different artists or their heirs to release them in some kind of a series of collected work) but there you have it, whaddayathink?
Joseph Conroy
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Old 02-23-2008, 10:41 PM
webe123 webe123 is offline
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Re: I'm so brilliant sometimes I scare myself!

I have all of my old records already ON my hard drive so I can listen to them anytime I want. (From the hinsons, to teddy huffam to rusty goodman) And with them being digital, can make a CD to stick in my car. I used a program called "spin it again" at it does a fantastic job of recording your album or cassettes from your player to your computer.

You could do this with any recording, but I only made these, because they were personal records and cassettes I owned and wanted digital copies to keep so that they did not wear out.

But you would have to check the law on what would be allowed for public domain.And YES, since you want this done so bad, you would have to be the one willing to do it! Don't expect anyone else to do it for you. That ain't gonna happen I'm afraid.
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Old 02-24-2008, 01:36 AM
JosephConroy JosephConroy is offline
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Re: I'm so brilliant sometimes I scare myself!

Originally Posted by webe123 View Post
And YES, since you want this done so bad, you would have to be the one willing to do it! Don't expect anyone else to do it for you. That ain't gonna happen I'm afraid.

I just wanted to add, that this wasn't a request for some one to do a lot of work for ME so that I can sit around drinking Ice Tea all day , but rather to try and stir up an interest for someone who is IN America and HAS the ability (Which with my living on the other side of the world I do NOT posess right now) to do something to RESCUE a perishing library of Pentecostal Art. Obviously you would not be that person, Hope there is someone that would read this that might BE one of those people who DO care about our heritage that is vanishing so rapidly.

Sorry if it came across as being "All about ME"

Joseph Conroy
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Old 02-24-2008, 05:31 PM
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Re: I'm so brilliant sometimes I scare myself!

Originally Posted by JosephConroy View Post
You know I have had a what..."burden" for a project that SOMEONE should be doing, but can't get to myself!

But you know there is a tremendous loss of Pentecostal Music that gets more tragic every day!

The list is probably endless! Some one wrote about the singing Parkers. that was a great album! And who can ever forget if you heard her sing it JUST ONCE molly Parker singing Jesus Put A Yodel in my soul! A crack up at the very same time it was an inspiration!

SOOOOOO here is my idea its probably against the law but who cares. Most of it is probably public domain anyway and I cant see any true artist screaming about having their work rescued from anonymity (then again I guess there are all kinds.)

I live over here in Germany so am completely unable to do that besides I had the idea DO I HAVE TO DO IT ALL!!!!???/

but there you have it, whaddayathink?
Joseph Conroy

Bro. Conroy, you are too funny! I am a little on the younger side of life to have any albums but my mother in law said she has some priceless album similiar to what you were referring to.... but she wouldn't know anything about transferring them...she's an artist, not a tech geek! Lol!

It was several years ago, I heard a lady sing "Jesus put a yodle in my soul" and I had to laugh! I didn't feel too bad because the rest of the church was laughing also!!!!

Have a good day!

I never met a chocolate I didn't like!

*sigh* I did nothing yesterday.... I wasn't finished so I did nothing again today!
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Old 02-25-2008, 01:49 PM
JosephConroy JosephConroy is offline
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Re: I'm so brilliant sometimes I scare myself!

Originally Posted by LadyChocolate View Post
Bro. Conroy, you are too funny!

It was several years ago, I heard a lady sing "Jesus put a yodle in my soul" and I had to laugh! I didn't feel too bad because the rest of the church was laughing also!!!!

Have a good day!

You know, You here so many nutty things sometimes that you just HAVE to laugh!

I was at a little camp meeting in a southern state, and this group that was really the center of things at this meeting sang three songs and to this day I can't decide which one cracked me up more!

The first song was a ballad about a backslider who was in his pick up truck, and it spun out of control and flipped over, throwing the backslid driver out into the ditch. the preacher (he claimed this was based on a true incident in his life, and was the source for the song) pulled over and got down there next to the barely conscious man as he was bleeding to death, and asked him "Son are you alright?" at which the backslider mumbled something, he asked again "Son are you alright??" at which the preacher heard the whispered words of the backslider "Don't tell mama I died a' a drinkin' with whiskey on my breath!" Well that was followed by the unforgettable song whose chorus said "And if you don't believe it...well....you can go to hell!"

And THAT was followed up by a chorus of "you can go to helllll you can go to hellll Glory hallelujah ...you can go to hell!"

(You can't make this stuff up folks!)

The only saving feature of the music session at that camp meeting was a dear old old I mean OOOOOLD brother with one leg who got up there and sang a chorus that sounded like an Ozark style song

"I don't need, no trinity doctrine!
Oh you won't find, no holy three
All you'll find is One God Only
And he's all in all to me!"

At which the brother began shouting on one leg and two crutches! Unforgettable!
Have to say I loved every minute of it!

Brother Joseph
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Old 02-25-2008, 02:05 PM
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Re: I'm so brilliant sometimes I scare myself!

Bro. Conroy,

I am sure you have a story for every day of the year and for years to come!!! LOL

I never met a chocolate I didn't like!

*sigh* I did nothing yesterday.... I wasn't finished so I did nothing again today!
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Old 02-25-2008, 03:29 PM
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Re: I'm so brilliant sometimes I scare myself!

Brother Conroy:

I have to agree with you 1000%...your "brilliance" scares me, too.

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Old 02-25-2008, 03:57 PM
JosephConroy JosephConroy is offline
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Re: I'm so brilliant sometimes I scare myself!

Originally Posted by RevBuddy View Post
Brother Conroy:

I have to agree with you 1000%...your "brilliance" scares me, too.

I know! Maybe a better word is TERRIFIES!!!!

God Bless You Brother!
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Old 02-29-2008, 09:07 PM
webe123 webe123 is offline
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Re: I'm so brilliant sometimes I scare myself!

Originally Posted by JosephConroy View Post
I just wanted to add, that this wasn't a request for some one to do a lot of work for ME so that I can sit around drinking Ice Tea all day , but rather to try and stir up an interest for someone who is IN America and HAS the ability (Which with my living on the other side of the world I do NOT posess right now) to do something to RESCUE a perishing library of Pentecostal Art. Obviously you would not be that person, Hope there is someone that would read this that might BE one of those people who DO care about our heritage that is vanishing so rapidly.

Sorry if it came across as being "All about ME"

Joseph Conroy

Hey! Easy with the attitude!

I was just pointing out what it would take for someone to actually do this. It is not an easy task!

And you would have to check to see if it would even be legal! I am not a lawyer and do not know if it would be or not. But copyrights on songs do not vanish overnight and that WOULD BE A CONCERN!

And as far as you wanting someone else to do it, I will stand by what I have said!

If you are wanting something done, you may very well have to find a way do it yourself! I did not mean that in a negative way, but simply as a practical point of view.
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