I heard tonight, that Rachel's oldest sister was in a car accident today. Her husband has had a severe medical problem the last few months... and they are in Montreal due to that... I don't know details... but I know her sister was hurt and this is the last thing that family needs. Could we please pray for them... they have two small children and the husband has been unable to work because of his health and now this.
God is in control but I really wonder if maybe he's waiting on some people to start calling on him in fervency to heal and turn this around.
(I don't want to name Rachel's family members without her permission, some of you would already know, but please pray)
__________________ Mrs. LPW
Psalm 19:14
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Heard about Shawna this morning while visiting with pastor friends. Apparently she's suffered multiple fractures. We and many others have and continue to pray.
__________________ Smiles & Blessings.... ~Felicity Welsh~ (surname courtesy of Jim Yohe)
aw. God bless! Thanks everyone. God is faithful. So very faithful.
The driver ran a red light and hit my sister and her husband (with their three year old daugher) head on. Makayla (the three year old) was fine. Shawna is having a hard time standing and putting weight on her leg (at first they thought the ankle might be crushed but it wasn't - praise God!). But she does have a broken bone - her right arm, the bone penetrated the skin and protruded through following the accident.. She went into surgery (I believe they had a pin inserted). My brother-in-law suffered whiplash (not too mention he's had a trach for three months (maybe more by now) due to a reduction in the width of his trachea) and they were returning to the specialists in Montreal when this happened. They are in much pain but we serve a healing God!
People who are always looking for fault,can find it easily all they have to do,is look into their mirror.
There they can find plenty of fault.