I believe as do others that org. sports are a god of this world, and we don't worship them. I John says "love not the world neither the things of the world".
Haven't read the entire thread but I WANT to post on this. If I had 10 minutes to stand before the General Board I would tell them the following things:
* "It's time for you folks to go buck wild on that conference platform!" You ought to be leading the organization in worship... shout your hair down! (Let's face it, some of the worst hair possessors in Pentecost sits on that platform so it can't hurt to mess it up a little.) If the constituency thought you were willing to buy into the excitement of what Pentecost is supposed to be they would break their necks to follow your vision.
* "Start preaching absolutes over GENERAL CONFERENCE pulpits again and you would stop having so many 'grass roots' people getting into strange doctrines on us!" After all, the Bible DOES say that 'iron sharpeneth iron' and some (not all) of what they offer as messages are more akin to 'vagueness breeds vagueness' than 'iron sharpening iron'. When we hear strong preaching of absolutes and sound doctrine over GC pulpits again it will embolden that poor minister that thinks he's all alone out there preaching truth. Most fall off into other persuasions because they feel outnumbered and evidently out of touch.
* "Make sure the people in our organization know that it's more about our mission than our money." There are some Pastors out there that never hear from anybody... General Super to Presbyter to Sectional Youth Director... until it's time to ask for that SFC, MM, SOC, Harvestime offering. Every District Superintendant needs to go home and have sectional rallies again and let your own men preach them! Our most precious commodities are sitting in our sections unrecognized.
* "Find a way to make every voting member a voting member." Home Missionaries are disenfranchised too many times. Foreign Missionaries, too. That struggling Pastor who has 39 people and works a full time job deserves a voice. One word: "Internet". Every member of the UPC has a personal number and can make a password. Every member of the UPC can find an online computer either in the home or in the library. Give them all a vote and you'll find that this organization isn't as compromised as some claim it to be.
Haven't read the entire thread but I WANT to post on this. If I had 10 minutes to stand before the General Board I would tell them the following things:
* "It's time for you folks to go buck wild on that conference platform!" You ought to be leading the organization in worship... shout your hair down! (Let's face it, some of the worst hair possessors in Pentecost sits on that platform so it can't hurt to mess it up a little.) If the constituency thought you were willing to buy into the excitement of what Pentecost is supposed to be they would break their necks to follow your vision.
* "Start preaching absolutes over GENERAL CONFERENCE pulpits again and you would stop having so many 'grass roots' people getting into strange doctrines on us!" After all, the Bible DOES say that 'iron sharpeneth iron' and some (not all) of what they offer as messages are more akin to 'vagueness breeds vagueness' than 'iron sharpening iron'. When we hear strong preaching of absolutes and sound doctrine over GC pulpits again it will embolden that poor minister that thinks he's all alone out there preaching truth. Most fall off into other persuasions because they feel outnumbered and evidently out of touch.
* "Make sure the people in our organization know that it's more about our mission than our money." There are some Pastors out there that never hear from anybody... General Super to Presbyter to Sectional Youth Director... until it's time to ask for that SFC, MM, SOC, Harvestime offering. Every District Superintendant needs to go home and have sectional rallies again and let your own men preach them! Our most precious commodities are sitting in our sections unrecognized.
* "Find a way to make every voting member a voting member." Home Missionaries are disenfranchised too many times. Foreign Missionaries, too. That struggling Pastor who has 39 people and works a full time job deserves a voice. One word: "Internet". Every member of the UPC has a personal number and can make a password. Every member of the UPC can find an online computer either in the home or in the library. Give them all a vote and you'll find that this organization isn't as compromised as some claim it to be.
Haven't read the entire thread but I WANT to post on this. If I had 10 minutes to stand before the General Board I would tell them the following things:
* "It's time for you folks to go buck wild on that conference platform!" You ought to be leading the organization in worship... shout your hair down! (Let's face it, some of the worst hair possessors in Pentecost sits on that platform so it can't hurt to mess it up a little.) If the constituency thought you were willing to buy into the excitement of what Pentecost is supposed to be they would break their necks to follow your vision.
* "Start preaching absolutes over GENERAL CONFERENCE pulpits again and you would stop having so many 'grass roots' people getting into strange doctrines on us!" After all, the Bible DOES say that 'iron sharpeneth iron' and some (not all) of what they offer as messages are more akin to 'vagueness breeds vagueness' than 'iron sharpening iron'. When we hear strong preaching of absolutes and sound doctrine over GC pulpits again it will embolden that poor minister that thinks he's all alone out there preaching truth. Most fall off into other persuasions because they feel outnumbered and evidently out of touch.
* "Make sure the people in our organization know that it's more about our mission than our money." There are some Pastors out there that never hear from anybody... General Super to Presbyter to Sectional Youth Director... until it's time to ask for that SFC, MM, SOC, Harvestime offering. Every District Superintendant needs to go home and have sectional rallies again and let your own men preach them! Our most precious commodities are sitting in our sections unrecognized.
* "Find a way to make every voting member a voting member." Home Missionaries are disenfranchised too many times. Foreign Missionaries, too. That struggling Pastor who has 39 people and works a full time job deserves a voice. One word: "Internet". Every member of the UPC has a personal number and can make a password. Every member of the UPC can find an online computer either in the home or in the library. Give them all a vote and you'll find that this organization isn't as compromised as some claim it to be.
Could I say more? Sure. Should I? Probably not.
That was outstanding, I am all for the UPCI to move toward a more conservative in fact, the more ultra conservative. This is the only thing that will help to separate the two factions that are obviously working against one another within the organization. Also, the future will bear out who holds the proper perspectives and attitudes.
This will also enhance the inherant intent of the totalitarian voting process.
No offense taken, but I would really like to know what you would tell them.
If you believe that they would think anyone a peon, then they have abosolutely no business being in the positions they are in.
The trouble, as I see it, is that there is no margin in them listening or taking seriously the comments of those who do not represent their constituency.
The majority of the general board is made up of men who are elected by their constituency, that is preachers from their state or province. If you do not fit into that catergory means that influence can not in anyway advance their positions.
Now before all of our beloved UPCI bretheren jump on me I don't mean to imply that there is some sort of nefarious wickedness going on behind closed doors. Just that they were elected to represent the people that elected them and you and I aren't in that catergory.
The same is true of the Exec. Board execpt that their scope is broader. That being said you and I still don't fit into the catergory. The greatest influence you have is in your local assembly. There the leader is directly accountable to you. That is not to say that I believe that the laity should direct the affairs of the church but it is a foolish pastor who is not closely atuned to the thoughts of local assembly.
"buck wild" - I haven't heard that in forever!!!!!!!
Guess I'm just the master of old, worn out sayings!
I remember when they used to say...
* Pawn my word and honor!
* Right as rain!
* Beyond a shadow of a doubt!
See, I'm edjerkated!
Sometime I'll have to tell you about my former Media Ministry man who was notorious for misspelling my titles. I preached years ago a message called "Anointed but Naked" I had three tapes brought to me after Church - 9 total were sold - but all were marked with a that unfortunate extra 't' at the end of the middle word.