Good Sunday Morning
It has been a few days since I posted here, but I have been reading everyones posts and I would like to thank you for letting me look into your days. Everyone sounds so much more interesting than I do.
"Too Bad" you still have to read about me no matter how boring.
I can't remember when the last time I wrote, but I will start with Fri. night.
As i mentioned before I am president of the Golden Harvestors. I love it, even though I feel that I am a young Christian Iwas voted in by the majority of the people and I really think it was because I am one of the youngest in the group. It has been such a learning experience for me, I have learned leadership abilities and I have been taught how to pray one for another and how mourn while praising God when a death occurs. I have learned patience, and I have learned that prayer is essential no matter how minor the job I try to do.
Fri. Night we had our Christmas dinner at a local restaurant. We had a wonderful time and I had a short devotional written about
John 3:16 and about the gift that endures. I had the speech outline written and stuck in my pocket and when I stood up, I gave a short speech thanking everyone for ocming and I thanked my treasurer and my vice-president and presented them with a small gift. and I reached my hand in my pocket and the speech was gone

and my mind went blank. --short silent prayer later I remembered most of it. but it sure was a tense moment for me.
My vice president "Patty" had written a poem about Christmas of her childhood. It was so beauteful.
I had a wonderful time and I had envited a pastor and his wife from another church and someone asked them to come and sing for us at our next meeting. They agreed and so I have next month's meeting already planned out.]
Last night I went to a local church that was having a singing, it was raining a cold here and not many people showed up. That was such a sweet time.
This morning I can't go to Sunday School because grandson has a cold. I am going to preaching. I just do not feel comfortable taking grandson to interact with other children when he is sick. For preaching i will hold him and he will not be in contact with anyone but me and dh. Last night baby fell and busted his lip, when my daughter called me and told me about it I pictured a mouth swollen and deformed and teeth slanted. She is a first time mama and I am sure in her "mama's eyes" it was worse than it actually was. Bless her heart you could barely tell anything had happened at all. Just a little bruise on his upper lip.
Tonight a dear friend of mine his name is Jim Bunch is going to be singing at a local church and he asked dh and I to go hear him. I am not one to skip my church if I can help it but I am going to hear him. He is a wonderful singer and a wonderful man of God and I thank God for him.
Have a wonderful Sunday.
If you actually read all of this I give you a big thank you hug. lol