There was a time when my immediate response would have been to not even
give it a thought that John did not write the gospel of John. But I remember
a few years ago while studying the Bible, reading the story of Lazarus
death. The shortest verse in the Bible says that Jesus wept. But before
it says that Jesus wept, we see Mary falling at Jesus feet, saying, "Lord,
if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died" Jesus observes her
weeping and the the Jews which came with Mary, weeping. Why did he
groan in the spirit and was troubled? Asking where they had laid him and
they told him, come and see. Jesus wept!! The Jews then said, "Behold
how he loved him".
After all that Jesus had done, he knew they still could not see or believe.
This was grieveous to Jesus. That's why I believe Jesus wept. Otherwise
why would he weep over that which he had to power to raise up.
Mark 8:12, we see Jesus sighing deeply in his spirit because the
Pharisees were questioning him, tempting him, seeking a sign.
Jesus wept over the city of Jerusalem in
Luke 19:41. He knew what
was to befall the people that God has visited and had done many
mighty works there, yet they would not believe.
No wonder Jesus wept. His own did not receive him.
Will He find faith in the earth! Will we believe His Word!