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Old 11-16-2007, 07:25 AM
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Originally Posted by AmazingGrace View Post
Yay!! So far we have done good to keep Gabbys alive and in the fellowship hall!

Today is nice and cool out, right now its about 44 and lovin it!

Making a huge step today! Pray for me... I am the mother who is totally against private schools because I know how the one I was in was, dont want to go that route again ever!!!! So what am I doing today? Taking my son out of public school and putting him in our church school and I am yep a bit nervous but oh well... ones gotta do what they gotta do! I seriously believe considering the past ummmm day that this is the best thing to do and this is also at the advisement of my pastor and youth pastor so yea I am thinking this will work. They have wonderful teachers so I am not worried about that at all either which is good considering we have been dealing with 2 teachers who love to announce to the entire class who is failing how ever many classes each day and to totally humiliate the students... so right now this is just the best road for us to take..

Also please keep one thing in prayer for me... due to some circumstances that have arose, my lovely deadbeat ex has decided that he thinks it is best for my son to come live with him ROFL... that'll be the day! So we have both told him no and for now he is accepting that. Please pray that he does not push this issue any further as right now would just not be the right time for him to do that.

Also pray for my girls. I know the oldest at least... does indeed want to go to the church school also but we just cannot afford it. She hasnt complained once but I know in her heart she is upset. Please pray that God will make this easier for her. She is young and knows too much for her own good right now. The good aspect of this is she has 3 or 4 of the girls from our church who actually attend the same school she does so that makes it a little easier for her to stay there.

Thank you all! For being friends and for being prayer warriors. Love each and every one of you! There are many things happening right now I cannot speak about here openly but I covet your prayers so much during the next couple of days.Yall are my angels at times like these and I thank you all!
AG, I'm praying for you. I know how hard it is to make these kinds of decisions for our kids and wonder if we're doing the right thing. I pray that the changes go smoothly and that you have peace knowing that you are doing what you feel is right as a godly parent.
I hate to see you frown. So wear a bag over your head until you cheer up!
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Old 11-16-2007, 07:37 AM
AmazingGrace AmazingGrace is offline
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Thank you all so much! Much appreciated!
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Old 11-16-2007, 09:18 AM
Sister Truth Seeker

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Originally Posted by QueenEsther View Post
I know....I guess I just have this fear that something horrible may happen to him. But he is officiall an "adult" even though he is an immature one, so he has to pay the consequences of his actions. I just pray that God will protect him and bring him back safely.
Sis that prayer and God are powerful, don't feel defeated claim victory!
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Old 11-16-2007, 09:21 AM
Sister Truth Seeker

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Originally Posted by QueenEsther View Post
We never know when we may get snow here in IN!!!

I have an Aunt & Uncle who are thinking about moving to Oregon!
What part? Do they know yet...Oregon is so very diverse...we have just about any climate and scenery you can think of...we live pretty much in the middle, we are an hour or two away from most everything! I have lived in many states and I am lovin Oregon the best!
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Old 11-16-2007, 09:27 AM
Sister Truth Seeker

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Originally Posted by AmazingGrace View Post
Yay!! So far we have done good to keep Gabbys alive and in the fellowship hall!

Today is nice and cool out, right now its about 44 and lovin it!

Making a huge step today! Pray for me... I am the mother who is totally against private schools because I know how the one I was in was, dont want to go that route again ever!!!! So what am I doing today? Taking my son out of public school and putting him in our church school and I am yep a bit nervous but oh well... ones gotta do what they gotta do! I seriously believe considering the past ummmm day that this is the best thing to do and this is also at the advisement of my pastor and youth pastor so yea I am thinking this will work. They have wonderful teachers so I am not worried about that at all either which is good considering we have been dealing with 2 teachers who love to announce to the entire class who is failing how ever many classes each day and to totally humiliate the students... so right now this is just the best road for us to take..

Also please keep one thing in prayer for me... due to some circumstances that have arose, my lovely deadbeat ex has decided that he thinks it is best for my son to come live with him ROFL... that'll be the day! So we have both told him no and for now he is accepting that. Please pray that he does not push this issue any further as right now would just not be the right time for him to do that.

Also pray for my girls. I know the oldest at least... does indeed want to go to the church school also but we just cannot afford it. She hasnt complained once but I know in her heart she is upset. Please pray that God will make this easier for her. She is young and knows too much for her own good right now. The good aspect of this is she has 3 or 4 of the girls from our church who actually attend the same school she does so that makes it a little easier for her to stay there.

Thank you all! For being friends and for being prayer warriors. Love each and every one of you! There are many things happening right now I cannot speak about here openly but I covet your prayers so much during the next couple of days.Yall are my angels at times like these and I thank you all!
Sis will say a prayer right away...

Yes Gabby's is staying up front for the most part...I am very happy about that...its my favorite place to go on the forum!
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Old 11-16-2007, 09:35 AM
Sister Truth Seeker

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Good Friday morning.............

We are trying to refi our house so we are busy busy busy trying to get it spiffy so we can get the best deal. Our biggest challenge is our yard...we have yet to landscape it and its pretty ugly!

We have not had the money or the time, and our landscaper moved a couple thousand miles away! We are hoping to get enough money out of our refi to do the landscaping....I was a nice yard!!!! I love being outside in the warm weather, but right now we don't have a decent place to be, I love eating outside, having my morning coffee, reading, just being out there!

I want a nice pond, and lot of trees and self maintaining shrubs, and good grass you can walk on without stepping in a hole and breaking your ankle! I want a fire place, and a outdoor kitchen! I don't want much do I....

Well I better get with it here...have a big shower to scrub...tile....

Love and blessings all...I will check in later....
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Old 11-16-2007, 11:06 AM
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Originally Posted by AmazingGrace View Post
Thank you all! For being friends and for being prayer warriors. Love each and every one of you! There are many things happening right now I cannot speak about here openly but I covet your prayers so much during the next couple of days.Yall are my angels at times like these and I thank you all!
AG, I am praying for you, raising teenagers is one of the hardest jobs in the world, especially if you are trying to do it right! And I know you are.

Then you throw in the idiot ex factor, and that certainly doesn't make it any easier. I'm here for you sister, and I have lived through 3 teenagers in less than perfect situations so I'm here to say, there is a light at the end of the tunnel! You will make it!

As to whatever else is going on in your life, I am praying for you! Just go grab a (I'm trying to remember what your drink of choice was) was it a Carmel Frappuccino? LOL, anyway go to SB and take a minute for yourself!
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Old 11-16-2007, 01:56 PM
LaVonne LaVonne is offline
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AG-love ya girl...I prayed for you and your son last night...I sure hope today has been better. Call anytime!
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Old 11-17-2007, 10:07 AM
Sister Truth Seeker

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Good Saturday morning everyone....

Whew cleaned my bathroom yesterday...let me tell you its a job! Its big, its white tile and grout...but it sprakles now, my hubby helped me last night!

The inspector is coming Monday afternoon...so we have a deadline! Lots more to do!

I hope you all have a great day, and your blessed with love and peace!

My hubby is laid off for awhile, so he is here being able to help. We are praying it doesn't last too much longer, the construction in the area has dried up for a bit. Being in the construction trade you just have to expect this to happen from time to time, but it sure does make life hard! Not scared, because I know the Lord will provide! HE has never let us down!
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Old 11-17-2007, 02:47 PM
LaVonne LaVonne is offline
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Hi Ladies,

Well, I'm sitting here trying to get into the Holiday spirit, but cannot seem to just yet. My hubby has been gone for well over a week now on a missions/preaching trip out of the country and he won't be home until Tues. night. I'm missing him so much...it's hard to be alone this long with the boys too! Hopefully by Wednesday I'll get into the spirit seeing as I have to make Thanksgiving dinner and we are having company!
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