I wish I could say that we accomplished major things today. Unfortunately, I can't.
I did manage to get a lot of things cleaned out and organized in the office. Again. It seems like this is a weekly job. I wouldn't mind the clutter if this wasn't the first room people walk into when they come in my house. They have to go through the office to get to the living room..... so I don't like to let it have the cluttered look.
I'll be so glad when the last aquarium is out of the house this weekend. We're planning on getting that done, and getting the Christmas lights up outside if weather permits it. :holiday
Once we get those things done, I am going to move one of the desks out of the office into the living room-- and maybe move the bookshelves into one of the kids bedrooms. That would help the appearance of the office quite a bit.

We just need a bigger house, that would solve all the problems of where to put all this furniture.
I can't believe we have a freeze warning here for tonight.... it's supposed to get down into the 20s. It's already freezing cold to me, I have the heat going in the living room and office. The wind is just COLD. Samantha opened the front door a few minutes ago to take something out to her car, and it put such a chill into the office and living room. I'm having to warm it back up a little so my fingers and toes can thaw out again.
What I need is a nice cup of hot cocoa... then I could wrap my fingers around the hot mug to thaw them out. I probably should also go find myself a blanket to wrap around my feet.... these socks and fleece lined house shoes aren't doing the trick.
I've rambled enough... I'm going to get that hot cocoa now.