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Old 10-29-2007, 01:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Sister Truth Seeker View Post
I don't understand either, except they were so afraid...and the bad thing is because of the fear the control they drive people away...the don't allow anyone to be human....its a very painful thing to go through....

We did our very best to be the best saints we could, we worked hard, very hard, and did as we were told no questions asked, then some things started to happen that really rocked the boat...so we got out before the ship sank....I prayed long and hard believe me....I went back to see if I was being over emotional....I wasn't....we were the 10 percent that works our tail off, and we loved it...but the rest was just not right...and we were spanked from the alter constantly ..... never felt that we had a chance of making it to heaven....it was just too hard!

How sad! I feel Bad for you people that had to endure this craziness.
just know that most pentecostal churches do NOT fall into this catagory!!!
may the Lord give you all healing - I can understand now where you are.

that is the upside of an organization- BUT WHERE WERE THEY??????
WHY doesn't the Org. step in cases like this ???????

there was a case in San Diego( dave is a witness!) where the pastor was making the people bow and kiss his feet to prove their loyalty. the CA> stepped in and revolked his license
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Old 10-29-2007, 01:47 PM
Sister Truth Seeker

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Originally Posted by NightOwl View Post
OK now #4 do they nt want people studying on their own, What are they afraid of, People becoming free thinkers lol

#7 I am sorry but again are people not supposed to make their own decisions
I understand if someone feels they need to talk but to be a requiremant is just not rite
No...we could give bible studies to new converts...as long as they were one of the prescriped ones...but NO they did not want open bible study to seek out and answer questions....they were afraid I think...that we would find out they were not teaching correctly...

Free thinking was dangerous....we were to step in the pastors path only
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Old 10-29-2007, 01:47 PM
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I have been UPC all my life (raised in a pastor's home) and have never heard of such.
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Old 10-29-2007, 01:47 PM
Sister Truth Seeker

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Originally Posted by Pianoman View Post
That's what you look like when you attend a "tough" church!
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Old 10-29-2007, 01:47 PM
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My experience in this type of church was not in a backwoods Apalician mountain church but in a 500 in Sundat school UPCi in illinois.

Thi type of control freak pastor is not limited to any area of the country, or just in the AMF.

I can't believe some that say they have been in pentecost for however many years and they have never seen or heard of these kind of churches.
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Old 10-29-2007, 01:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Sister Truth Seeker View Post
No...we could give bible studies to new converts...as long as they were one of the prescriped ones...but NO they did not want open bible study to seek out and answer questions....they were afraid I think...that we would find out they were not teaching correctly...

Free thinking was dangerous....we were to step in the pastors path only
What would become of everything, if we ALL decided too be free thinkers

John 5:39 Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.

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Old 10-29-2007, 01:49 PM
Sister Truth Seeker

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Originally Posted by freeatlast View Post
We even had our own church version of the afirmation statement.

Filled out papers that we studied and prayed three hours and studied three hours over our sunday school lessons if we were teachers.
We were suppose to pray at least one hour every morning....no matter what....it was drummed into us...to the point were I never wanted to pray again...thankfully I am over that now...and talk with God all through my day and pray often
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Old 10-29-2007, 01:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Thad View Post
How sad! I feel Bad for you people that had to endure this craziness.
just know that most pentecostal churches do NOT fall into this catagory!!!

may the Lord give you all healing - I can understand now where you are.

that is the upside of an organization- BUT WHERE WERE THEY??????
WHY doesn't the Org. step in cases like this ???????

there was a case in San Diego( dave is a witness!) where the pastor was making the people bow and kiss his feet to prove their loyalty. the CA> stepped in and revolked his license
Thad...change you screen name to bubble boy. You must live in a protected little sphere.

I've noticed that some who are living under this type of regime are clueless to it's exsistence. They just think it's normal.
God has lavished his love upon me.
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Old 10-29-2007, 01:50 PM
Sister Truth Seeker

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Originally Posted by Thad View Post
How sad! I feel Bad for you people that had to endure this craziness.
just know that most pentecostal churches do NOT fall into this catagory!!!
may the Lord give you all healing - I can understand now where you are.

that is the upside of an organization- BUT WHERE WERE THEY??????
WHY doesn't the Org. step in cases like this ???????

there was a case in San Diego( dave is a witness!) where the pastor was making the people bow and kiss his feet to prove their loyalty. the CA> stepped in and revolked his license
There is nothing anyone can do...they are allowed to run the church as they see fit...it is condoned by the district....
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Old 10-29-2007, 01:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Sister Truth Seeker View Post
This is not about bashing...please don't to there...this is just what my church was like and my Pastor wanted it....we didn't think it was necessary so we left! I love them, and I hope nothing but the best for them, I just think fear rules them and to me that is soooooo sad!

1. No talking on the phone for more than 10 minutes
2. No friends outside of church, not even family (it was discouraged strongly)
3. No more than three families at a time in your home and not too often, if you had a gathering you are suppose to ask everyone in the church so no one gets offended.
4. No home bible studies without the ministry being there
5. You must attend all fellowships
6. So lunch dates, or shopping with friends even the ones in church...
7. No important decisions made without consulting the pastor...like, buying a car(new, used, how much you can spend)...same with a home or property.
8. You were not allowed to move, unless you had his OK.

Being we are older we did not attend parenting classes or marriage classes so we missed out on a lot of the rules...but over time we learned. This is not everything, but for the moment its enough...I might add more as I think of them.....

So there ya go Thad....
HOLY MOLEY! That most certainly is MORE THAN enough.

I'd be gone in the twinkling of an eye....
"The only thing worse than murder in the desert is to know where the water is and not tell it!"
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