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Old 10-27-2007, 07:53 PM
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Sherri Sherri is offline
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Good to see Gabby's again!! I always forget that it was on another part of the forum. Hopefully it will remain active.
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Old 10-27-2007, 08:27 PM
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Blubayou Blubayou is offline
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Glad to see Gabby up again. I will start to visit it more often.
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Old 10-27-2007, 08:42 PM
Sister Truth Seeker

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OH Thank you ladies...please do!!!

The weather here is wonderful fall weather and we went for a long ride on the Harley today....it was cool, clear, and beautiful!!! I love Fall, it is my favorite time of year, it used to be spring, but as of late I think its fall...

My poor bones ache so when we get home, but I love riding behind my hunny! It's so much fun...

Sherrie what was your final total on your Harley gear on Ebay?
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Old 10-27-2007, 08:49 PM
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Originally Posted by rgcraig View Post
Well, that wasn't too bad! I'm all organized and ready for the day after Thanksgiving to start putting it all out!

I have Christmas china (place setting of 12) with all the bells and whisles - - thought about maybe updating it to a smaller set and something new.

I called my daugther to ask her opinion and I will be keeping the existing set......shouldn't have called her - lol!!!!
Yes you had to ask of course...you must stay with the ones that have the memories...when she gets older and is settled down you can hand them down to her...so she can cook Christmas dinner....OH YEA!
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Old 10-27-2007, 08:54 PM
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Originally Posted by AmazingGrace View Post
I am going to garden ridge this week... gotta get some different decorations for the kids this year.. other then that today is just cleaning the house and getting my son ready to go to homecoming tonight...

Tried to sleep in this morning since I went to bed so early last night (NOT) and my phone rang at 6,645,7,8,930 then the doorbell rang about 4 times.. the methodist ??? are knocking doors... havent seen that one before... the jws came and the magazine salesman came and the kid who mows my yard.. so finally at 1130 I decided it was time to get up grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Dont tell no one else I am grumpy and maybe they wont know!!!

Love yall and so glad to see gabbys moved! Lets see if we can keep this going!!!
Me too I am so glad Gabby's is home again.....OH my goodness you poor thing....I have never had the methodists come to my door either...that is a new one, I get JW's every so often and sometimes adventists, but mostly no one as we live on a dead end street and so we don't get a lot of un-know traffic.

Love you too and so glad to be chatting again!!!!!!!!!! You all must thank Renda for this...she did it, she moved Gabby's here for me today! She is my hero today!!!!!
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Old 10-27-2007, 08:54 PM
Sister Truth Seeker

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Originally Posted by Tina View Post
Today is the day....

Hubby is FINALLY moving the rest of the aquariums out of the house!!!!!

If all goes well today, he will get two of the 55 gallon tanks moved, leaving only ONE aquarium in the house. One evening this week, that one will be moved as well.

I've been waiting 17 years for this to happen......

Thats a long time to get them moved!!!!
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Old 10-27-2007, 08:59 PM
Sister Truth Seeker

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Originally Posted by Tina View Post
It's HUBBY's fault!

You might say, we're basically breeding tropical fish.

Hubby has this hobby. He calls it a hobby, I call it an obsession. I didn't care much for it until it started making money.

He gets a LARGE batch of fish... for example--dime sized angelfish from a wholesaler. Investment of $50 or so. Raises them out in a large aquarium-- watches for them to pair off. Once they are paired off, we pull the pair, and put them into a tank by themselves and wait on the female to lay eggs. Once they've done that-- they are worth a small fortune to the right person. Finding the right person is easy. There is a website where people buy and sell any tropical fish imaginable. He got into it before we had three kids. It worked well with one child, because we had an extra bedroom which he kept all the tanks in. No problem, I could close the room and not have to see it all. My part in all this was taking photos of the pairs, and putting up the auctions on the website-- taking in the money by paypal-- and helping prepare them for shipping. Drop them at the post office for express mail-- and collect anywhere from $150-$300 for the pair of fish. My job was done.

Then the family grew... He took down most of the aquariums that he used for raising out the baby fish-- and started two 55 gal tanks in our bedroom... and a 30 gal and a 20 gal in our bedroom. There was also a 55 gal mixed tropical tank in the living room. (This will be the last one to go... he's gotten them all out of the bedroom today!!) Four years ago, he started on a building to move all the aquariums into. It was a slow process, because he was building it out of items he picked up free or from outlet building supply places. Believe it or not, it is a nice looking setup to keep the fish in. He's furnished it nicely... all kinds of aquariums set up out there... even a couple of recliners he can kick back in to relax and watch the fish.

This has gone from him picking up and raising out angelfish-- to buying a few breeding pairs of different types of african cichlids-- and breeding those. Quite profitable during certain times of the year. Hopefully when he gets all these aquariums out and the fish adjust to the change, they will start breeding again. Which would mean some mega bucks about June when the time is right to auction & ship what is raised out over the winter & early spring.

More than you wanted to know, huh? LOL

Oh... the total number of aquariums he will have set up out there will be about 20, at last count... and he wants a 180 gallon tank so he can get into raising some larger fish.

You asked...
That is neat...I love to watch the fish, but I am afraid to even start an aquarium for all the work and then the fish would just die on me! I tried gold fish for a long time when my son was small and they kept dying....so finally I gave up...I had some of the Aqua babies too for awhile they lived a long time and I even had a little frog...I kept forgetting to feed him, but he lived along time too...they were fun to watch! I have always wanted a turtle! But I read up on them and they are a lot of work too, their home needs to be cleaned often! Guess I am just too lazy!
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Old 10-27-2007, 09:01 PM
RandyWayne RandyWayne is offline
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Hey, I used to do that! Except I was propagating a few species of soft coral and "seeding" live rock for marine reef tanks.
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Old 10-27-2007, 09:05 PM
Sister Truth Seeker

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Originally Posted by RandyWayne View Post
Hey, I used to do that! Except I was propagating a few species of soft coral and "seeding" live rock for marine reef tanks.
RW....if you don't know...Gabby's is a place for the ladies and a few brave men....so be careful...lol
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Old 10-27-2007, 09:07 PM
RandyWayne RandyWayne is offline
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Sorry, all that tropical fish talk!
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