Originally Posted by stmatthew
If Jesus is now invisible, who did John see in Revelation?
John was in the spirit..this was not a personal face to face live in person encounter..John saw Jesus as he is..in the glory world..I believe
For you to state that it does not yet appear what we shall be as an argument to the physical body of Jesus still being in existence, and then try and state what he is no, is a contradiction. If you believe as you have states, that we cannot know what Jesus is because of Johns words, and then attempt to tell us what he really is makes me know that your theology is off.
I was simply quoting what John said..John SAW the ressurected Chrsit..He later said in his epistle..it has not yet been revealed what we shall be..even though He saw the ressurected body of Christ he still said..He has no clue what we shall be.. 1 John 3:2
Either we can or cannot know what Jesus is right now? Which is it?
1 cor 13:12
For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
When we die..we will know..
If we cannot because he has not yet appeared, then you are blowing smoke in your attempts to describe him, because you cannot know yet.
No..one thing we do know...we will live forever if we keep the faith..perhaps you have a scripture that describes where Jesus is today?