I did not remove the other thread. I told you I would be gone. I am back and here is your answer.
Originally Posted by deacon blues
And another thing...........
How would you feel if there were scads of your so-called brethren all over the country slicing and dicing your daughter or yourself based on a few photos and lots of broad asumptions not knowing her story, her history, or her at all?
I hope she, her parents, her friends, her church, her pastor, or anybody associated with her finds any of the stuf being said about her here or elsewhere.
It would be better for you to have a millstone tied about your neck and cast into the sea than to harm one of His little ones.................................................. ....(gulp)
First of all I made no assumptions about her. I made an opinion about the dress that I considered inappropriate. I made no assumption about her personally. I did not condemn her or speculate as to her salvation. However if the question is about how I feel about people doing that? I did not appreciate anyone speculating as to her salvation or as to her personally. Im sure she would not appreciate it...then again maybe someone should have asked her or her parents permission to start this thread about her to begin with.