Is Tommy T upc or independent? I've often wondered about Paula White and Steve Munsey. Are they apostolic? Paula claims TD Jakes as her spiritual "daddy", but I haven't found any acts 2:38 in her preaching or her website.
Tommy is not affilitated with the UPCI any longer. using the term "independant" would link him too closely with the GIB within mainstream Apostolic movment.
Tommy remains Oneness on some level, however, he has decided not to wade into doctrinal debates. He moves in circles with the likes of Jabo Green as well as what one would call the mainstream TBN crowd.
Munsey has a UPCI background but last I heard, he was trying to play Napolian in a movie. He pastors a church some place up north that has no traditional OP standards. I dont know how he baptizes. I suspect he is Neuvo PCI.
Paula White is to my knowlege without connection to the Apostolic movement.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
Is Tommy T upc or independent? I've often wondered about Paula White and Steve Munsey. Are they apostolic? Paula claims TD Jakes as her spiritual "daddy", but I haven't found any acts 2:38 in her preaching or her website.
Steve and Tommy are independent, coming from UPC backgrounds. Paula and her husband are independent, from Church of God backgrounds.