Originally Posted by QueenEsther
Anybody here today???
I haven't had much time to peek in at all. I've been busy getting all the stuff prepared for Samantha's graduation & reception -- which is tomorrow at 2pm.
I spent the majority of the day yesterday going through photos and putting together a set of photos for my brother to do the media presentation with. I also put together a 14x16 collage of photos of Samantha from age 3 days old, and up. It turned out REALLY nice. Much better than I was expecting. I picked up a really nice frame for it today, and put the final touches on it.
I had a new experience today.... I absolutely REFUSED to pay $60 for roses (hubby wanted Sam to get roses tomorrow) so I went to Walmart and picked out half a dozen assorted roses, and some mixed cut flowers and arranged them myself. What a job.... NOW I know WHY they charge so much for fresh flowers!!!

At least I am pleased with how they turned out-- and I've only got $15 and about an hour of my time into them.
Now I've got to make fruit dip and get it in the fridge-- and Samantha has gone to cook the brownies in my mom's oven-- because my house has shifted AGAIN and my oven is unlevel. I don't have time to fight with something to get up under one side to level it out. Easier to send her to cook them at my mom's house.
My next MAJOR job today is to go make sure that the sanctuary and fellowship hall at church are ready for us to use. If it needs any spot cleaning, I have to get that done.
My mother in law was SUPPOSED to show up mid morning today to "help" me. I have learned in the last few years, to not count on my mother in law for any real help.

I didn't really expect her to "help", because her "help" is usually to stand in the way and tell how SHE does things.

I am counting it a blessing that she called this morning and they were delayed in leaving and won't be in town till late this afternoon.
I have to pick up two cakes, and the fudge later this afternoon also.
Break time is over... I've got to go get the fruit dip made, and check on the list to see what else I need to get done.
Keep me in your prayers. I am VERY stressed today...
Phone just rang. My brother is finished with the media presentation, he said he's bringing it over to me.
I'll check in again later if I have time.