Not quite sure how to answer this, but
I asked Jesus Christ to come into my life on March 28, 1955 and He did.
When He came in, He forgave me of all my sins and gave me eternal life.
His requirements are that I love Him with all my heart (emotions), soul (eternal part of me), mind (intellect), and strength (physical part of me) and that I love my neighbor as myself (
Matthew 22:37-39,
John 13:34-35). He not only requires that of me, He gives me the power and ability to do that by His indwelling Spirit (even though because of my humanness I don't always do a good job of allowing Him to do it). He tells me that i should seek first the Kingdom (His kingship or rule over me) and if I do that He says all things I need (not necessarily everything I want) will be received by me (
Matthew 6:19-34). He promised me that He will never leave me nor forsake me (
Matthew 28:20,
Hebrews 13:5-6). He says I am in the palm of His hand and nothing can remove me from that place of safety, security, and special love (
John 10:27-30).