please pray bro raul alvear jr.
Brazil in Flames
> Apostolic Missions
> Brazil Address
> C.P. 250
> BRAZIL, S.A. 13001-970
> State Side Address
> P.O. BOX 593
> 32710-0593
> Dear Friends:
> We send greetings to you faithful ones in the precious name of our Lord Jesus from Brazil. Many of you reading this letter know I am the son of lifetime missionaries, so please do not take lightly what I say for I write under a great burden.
> I had intended on being in the states traveling to raise money for our campground and for several churches we are building but due to such a move of God and so many new people I felt not to come to the states so I am writing a letter and ask for your help. I am in desperate need; in fact to be truthful to you we are without the barest necessary items of life. Some of you have told me, "Brother Alvear, if you are ever really in need let us know". I have prayed about this and feel to let you know. I have swallowed my pride and writing to ask for your help.
> No one not even my folks knew until today our situation. So much is going on so many projects, so many needs and usually I can travel but this time I felt the spirit forbid me to go and leave the work. The work needs me at this moment; new souls need to be taught. We are rejoicing over the great number of souls saved but with that comes an awesome responsibility.
> I have never seen things so tight. I do not even have the money this month to pay my rent! Yet, it is impossible to conceive that there is not enough money for God´s work. It is noble to give to the ministry of the Lord and I know He will move on someone to help us out.
> I have a passion for missions, a passion for souls. All my life my greatest joy is to see God fill people with the Holy Ghost. I desire none of this worlds goods. My greatest love is souls.
> God remembers and rewards the sacrifices of his people. No gift goes unnoticed by God.
> Please remember us in your prayers. God is faithful to provide our needs. We know this to be true, His Word is true. Stepping out in Faith has never been more real to us than at this time. We desire to lean on Him, and not our own understanding.
> I am overwhelmed with joy to know that there are thousands of souls here that have been Transformed by His grace because someone made it possible for us to take them the gospel message.
> We praise God for your friendship, your financial gifts that allow us to serve the Lord full-time and your prayers that sustain us during long days of ministry. God is so good and we are blessed by you. We appreciate all who have stood by us so faithfully with your monthly support. That is what makes it possible for us to help the nationals in the harvest among the people of Brazil.
> May God richly bless you and repay you many times over as you help us out during this time of great need.
> Your Missionary Friends
> Brother Raul and Sister Michele and little Julia...