1 Maccabees 14
Warrior priests for the win
4 As for the land of Judea, that was quiet all the days of Simon; for he sought the good of his nation in such wise, that evermore his authority and honor pleased them well.
5 And as he was honorable in all his acts, so in this: that he took Joppa for a haven, and made an entrance to the isles of the sea,
6 and enlarged the bounds of his nation and recovered the country,
7 and gathered together a great number of captives, and had dominion over Gazara and Beth-zur and the tower, out of which he took all uncleanness, neither was there any who resisted him.
8 Then did they till their ground in peace; and the earth gave her increase, and the trees of the field their fruit.
9 The aged men sat all in the streets, communing together of good things, and the young men put on glorious and warlike apparel.
10 He provided victuals for the cities, and set in them all manner of munitions, so that his honorable name was renowned unto the end of the world.
11 He made peace in the land, and Israel rejoiced with great joy.
12 For every man sat under his vine and his fig tree, and there was none to frighten them,
13 neither was there any left in the land to fight against them; yea, the kings themselves were overthrown in those days.
14 Moreover he strengthened all those of his people that were brought low; the law he searched out, and every contemner of the law and wicked person he took away.
15 He beautified the sanctuary, and multiplied vessels of the temple.
16 Now when it was heard in Rome, and as far as Sparta, that Jonathan was dead, they were very sorry.
17 But as soon as they heard that his brother Simon was made high priest in his stead, and ruled the country and the cities therein,
18 they wrote unto him on tablets of brass to renew the friendship and league which they had made with Judas and Jonathan his brethren,
19 which writings were read before the congregation in Jerusalem.