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Old 01-05-2021, 02:51 PM
Originalist Originalist is offline
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Re: Divorce and remarriage

Originally Posted by james34 View Post
The challenge is met in the scriptures that you choose to disregard.

Originally Posted by james34 View Post
Does fornication count before coming to God? How about lying, stealing, murdering? How about adultery?
Remember from the beginning it (the writ of divorcement) was not so.

9Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, (nor adulterers). nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, 10Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God

>>>And such were some of you:<<<.../// before being washed, before Christ. So with all of these sins mentioned you believe in repentance / stop the sin, except with adultery?

but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God

....these instructions to the church( after the resurrection of Christ)
Says that before Christ some were adulterers. In what way were they adulterous (define adultery in this context) before Christ, how are they no longer adulterous after being in Christ?

Whatever your answer , it has to be the same way that they are no longer liars, thieves , extortioners, etc.
Even in Matthew 19 Jesus never invalidated the second marriages. In Deut. 24, God forbad these couples to be reconciled if one or both remarried. You completely miss the point Christ was making. He was judging "divorce for any reason" by JEWISH men. You are so far off on this it is pathetic. Again, you can produce no Apostolic or post-Apostolic admonition to back your claim. Pathetic. Keep throwing stones, brother. One day one of the stones will fly back and whop you upside your pharisaical head.
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Old 01-06-2021, 09:26 AM
peter83 peter83 is offline
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Re: Divorce and remarriage

According to some fake religion that they only care about your tithing "it's ok to remarry " but according to new testament and the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ the most important thing is your soul:
Check it.
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Old 01-06-2021, 12:03 PM
Originalist Originalist is offline
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Re: Divorce and remarriage

Originally Posted by peter83 View Post
According to some fake religion that they only care about your tithing "it's ok to remarry " but according to new testament and the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ the most important thing is your soul:
Check it.
Jennings? Are you kidding? No thanks.
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Old 01-07-2021, 09:22 PM
james34 james34 is offline
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Re: Divorce and remarriage

Originally Posted by Originalist View Post
Even in Matthew 19 Jesus never invalidated the second marriages. In Deut. 24, God forbad these couples to be reconciled if one or both remarried. You completely miss the point Christ was making. He was judging "divorce for any reason" by JEWISH men. You are so far off on this it is pathetic. Again, you can produce no Apostolic or post-Apostolic admonition to back your claim. Pathetic. Keep throwing stones, brother. One day one of the stones will fly back and whop you upside your pharisaical head.
Again you didn’t answer the questions on the scripture I posted, what was adultery and why do you give it a pass that you don’t give to other sins?
it's tough to make predictions especially about the future! Yogi Berra
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Old 01-08-2021, 12:50 AM
peter83 peter83 is offline
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Re: Divorce and remarriage

Originally Posted by Originalist View Post
Jennings? Are you kidding? No thanks.
You got it wrong (that's why you think I am kidding).
Don't focus to the "person" focus to the Word of God.
For you like Gino or not, the Truth doesn't change.
"He who receives you receives me and he who receives me receives Him who has sent me".
Take care ❤️.
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Old 01-08-2021, 08:44 AM
Originalist Originalist is offline
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Re: Divorce and remarriage

Originally Posted by peter83 View Post
You got it wrong (that's why you think I am kidding).
Don't focus to the "person" focus to the Word of God.
For you like Gino or not, the Truth doesn't change.
"He who receives you receives me and he who receives me receives Him who has sent me".
Take care ❤️.
I am well aware of his ridiculous divorce views already and have been for 15 years.
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Old 01-08-2021, 10:17 AM
peter83 peter83 is offline
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Re: Divorce and remarriage

Originally Posted by james34 View Post
The challenge is met in the scriptures that you choose to disregard.

Originally Posted by james34 View Post
Does fornication count before coming to God? How about lying, stealing, murdering? How about adultery?
Remember from the beginning it (the writ of divorcement) was not so.

9Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, (nor adulterers). nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, 10Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God

>>>And such were some of you:<<<.../// before being washed, before Christ. So with all of these sins mentioned you believe in repentance / stop the sin, except with adultery?

but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God

....these instructions to the church( after the resurrection of Christ)
Says that before Christ some were adulterers. In what way were they adulterous (define adultery in this context) before Christ, how are they no longer adulterous after being in Christ?

Whatever your answer , it has to be the same way that they are no longer liars, thieves , extortioners, etc.
Ιn my (and the whole Church ) understanding of repentance ,if i was a stealer and repent and God washes me through His blood, i am not longer under that sin! (i WAS onve a stealer,drunker,blasphemus etc.) but now i am not. But if i relapse to that sin i was once deliver i continue to be a chief and so God tells me <dont be deceived> Peter, you will not enter if you keep doing the same thing.
Now if i never stopped to steal? That means i never repented (on that particular sin) and i was never forgiven.
I was a <blashpemer> but if i keep doing it, i AM one right now and in the way of hell.
Now like you say, how one can say <i was an adulteres> but now i am <washed by the blood> but i still live with the woman i commit udultery once?
something wrong with that.
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Old 01-08-2021, 10:21 AM
peter83 peter83 is offline
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Re: Divorce and remarriage

Originally Posted by Originalist View Post
I am well aware of his ridiculous divorce views already and have been for 15 years.
so that why you dont like him (because heb preaches somethings you dont like)
mee too! That happens when you listen the Truth! I almost never like it (but Truth is still be Truth we like it or not)We have to change ,not the Word neither the Church.
So, put aside your view and (all the"views" alltogether) and take the Truth inside you (for there are many "views" but only One Truth! There is jnot "my" or "his" view. But God`s view.
come ,i wait for you..
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Old 01-08-2021, 03:40 PM
Originalist Originalist is offline
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Re: Divorce and remarriage

Originally Posted by peter83 View Post
Ιn my (and the whole Church ) understanding of repentance ,if i was a stealer and repent and God washes me through His blood, i am not longer under that sin! (i WAS onve a stealer,drunker,blasphemus etc.) but now i am not. But if i relapse to that sin i was once deliver i continue to be a chief and so God tells me <dont be deceived> Peter, you will not enter if you keep doing the same thing.
Now if i never stopped to steal? That means i never repented (on that particular sin) and i was never forgiven.
I was a <blashpemer> but if i keep doing it, i AM one right now and in the way of hell.
Now like you say, how one can say <i was an adulteres> but now i am <washed by the blood> but i still live with the woman i commit udultery once?
something wrong with that.
Deut 24:1-4

1“When a man takes a wife and marries her, and it happens that she finds no favor in his eyes because he has found some [a]uncleanness in her, and he writes her a certificate of divorce, puts it in her hand, and sends her out of his house,

2 when she has departed from his house, and goes and becomes another man’s wife,

3 if the latter husband detests her and writes her a certificate of divorce, puts it in her hand, and sends her out of his house, or if the latter husband dies who took her as his wife,

4 then her former husband who divorced her must not take her back to be his wife after she has been defiled; for that is an abomination before the Lord, and you shall not bring sin on the land which the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance.
Guess what, James and Peter? The Law observing Jesus NEVER renounced this edict in his JEWISH teaching on divorce and remarriage from the LAW! That means even though God will count these hardened Jewish men as adulterers for divorcing their innocent wives and marrying others, they CANNOT return to their former spouses even if they do repent of their adultery! And guess what else? They are STUCK in the second marriages and cannot leave those wives either. So how do they atone for their root sn of a hardened heart leading to adultery? By running to the cross of Calvary. This is what the Law does. It destroys our self-righteousness and leaves us naked before a holy God. That is the whole point of Jesus' words in Matthew 5 and 19. He is showing that the standard of the Law goes beyond the letter to the spirit, and leaves us in a hopeless state. Jesus is not saying to abandon your second wife.
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Old 01-09-2021, 04:05 AM
peter83 peter83 is offline
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Red face Re: Divorce and remarriage

Originally Posted by Originalist View Post
Guess what, James and Peter? The Law observing Jesus NEVER renounced this edict in his JEWISH teaching on divorce and remarriage from the LAW! That means even though God will count these hardened Jewish men as adulterers for divorcing their innocent wives and marrying others, they CANNOT return to their former spouses even if they do repent of their adultery! And guess what else? They are STUCK in the second marriages and cannot leave those wives either. So how do they atone for their root sn of a hardened heart leading to adultery? By running to the cross of Calvary. This is what the Law does. It destroys our self-righteousness and leaves us naked before a holy God. That is the whole point of Jesus' words in Matthew 5 and 19. He is showing that the standard of the Law goes beyond the letter to the spirit, and leaves us in a hopeless state. Jesus is not saying to abandon your second wife.
New testament one who has been separated has two possibilities.
1) stay unmarried till the ex dies.
2) be reconciled to the ex husband/wife.
Keep in mind that Jesus told to the Jews that the only reason to divorce was Formication.
(that's what Deuteronomy quote was about ). And that was the debate between Jews , "if the husband can divorce his wife for any reason".
And Jesus told them the only reason is Formication.
(Like Joseph thought to do to Marry when he learnt she was already pregnant. That's Formication for it was before they married. Otherwise Adultery was never the reason for divorce, for it was punished to death.)

Anyway , there are many things we can speak about but there is not a subject to debate about. Church, thanks to God ,knows the Truth.
I please you to see aside any personal opinion and feelings and listen the sermon with an open and humble heart. Pray to your God to give you a confirmation if what is preached is truth and let Him saw you if you have any fault please.
I am like you and I do the same as you. The only thing I strive is to know and obey the Truth. I don't care if you or anyone else proves that I am wrong in something. That's the challenge and the point of strict holy spirit teaching. We may be surprised when we realize we fail to obey something but that's what will save us at the end!
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