Originally Posted by Originalist
Trump got quite a bit done in his first 4 years. To say otherwise is to be very dishonest.
It depends on what our priorities were how we see it. My main ones were:
Get rid of abortion. Drain the swamp. Defend the 1st and second amendment. Supreme Court picks.
While he did not promise to END abortion defunding PP would have at least been a "win".
The "swamp" meanwhile is alive and well. Mrs. Clinton "suffered enough" not getting to rule the world. The first amendment has been trashed about 70% as to the public square. DJT has agreed with "red laws" to confiscate guns first then have a trial later.
On these 4 priorities of mine overall I would give him perhaps a "C". So far it looks as if his SC picks were ill advised but it would be hard to tell if someone would actually be a Conservative if appointed.
The Democomms, who are fighters, demand that their picks be TOTALLY LIBERAL. Repubs say they have no litmus test.
But DJT did lower taxes and cut regulations. Same as any Repub would have done. He stood with Israel to his credit and perhaps strengthened the military. Our country is now in debt farther than could ever be imagined so tho jobs were at an all time high that does level out the optimism.
I like that he stood up to the press better than the Repubs before him but name calling and "tweets" wont get the hardest job (in the natural world) done.
Again, I am still for him. I thank God we had Trump instead of the Clintons. We had 4 years more to do what were doing. In his mercy God can do this again. If it is his will.