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Old 03-19-2020, 06:03 PM
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Re: Tony Spell has church in spite of the ban

Originally Posted by Birddog View Post
I mean, it’s the truth. In just a short time. They went from locking the doors crouching in fear. Freaking out when any new visitor ( who may look odd) comes in. So now they’re safe and sound and home. Watching live stream preaching.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 03-19-2020, 06:07 PM
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Re: Tony Spell has church in spite of the ban

Originally Posted by Nicodemus1968 View Post
The news just put out that a family of 4 that made under $99k is likely to receive $3k in the next couple weeks.
I fly solo. Are they sending checks or direct deposit?
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Old 03-19-2020, 06:09 PM
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Re: Tony Spell has church in spite of the ban

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
I mean, it’s the truth. In just a short time. They went from locking the doors crouching in fear. Freaking out when any new visitor ( who may look odd) comes in. So now they’re safe and sound and home. Watching live stream preaching.
What gets me Bro is that many of these profess that they believe we are living in the end of the end of the end.

These are some of the same men that adamantly professed their undying devotion, like Peter did, Lord, we will die for you.

Yet we see them rolling over and canceling church congregating for a facebook livestream.

So much for the boasts that they would never shut the doors of their churches without a fight...

What happened?

When did it happen?

How did it happen?

When did it start?

Had one man tell a friend that if they can do livestream for this then don't expect him to come back to church when it's over. He will stay home in his boxers and worship God over the screen!!!

Remember when they crucified the televangeslists over this and now....?

This is not going to end well for them.
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Old 03-19-2020, 06:17 PM
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Re: Tony Spell has church in spite of the ban

If this was truly about religious freedom I would be firmly in Tony Spell's camp. But it's not! His underlying premise is the First Amendment's right to peaceful assembly. This order affects everyone from Nascar to Notre Dame without regard to race, religion, or sexual orientation. As to his affiliation with the WPF ??? The church founded by the chief person behind the WPF's formation is strictly online with no public services at the present.
You can't, falsely, yell "Fire!" in a theater and if your building has a seating capacity of 500 and you have 600 in attendance, the Fire Marshal can shut you down. Are we going to make a "Hero of Faith" out of someone who defies the Fire Marshal?
Someone once said, "Choose your battles wisely", and now it may be that Tony Spell will look back and wish that he had waited for a more opportune time or deferred to someone with more experience. [ Just an old man's observation. ]
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Old 03-19-2020, 06:49 PM
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Re: Tony Spell has church in spite of the ban

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
I mean, it’s the truth. In just a short time. They went from locking the doors crouching in fear. Freaking out when any new visitor ( who may look odd) comes in. So now they’re safe and sound and home. Watching live stream preaching.
Then they go to Costco surrounded by hundreds of strangers to stock up on TP. Doesn't make any sense!
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Old 03-19-2020, 06:50 PM
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Re: Tony Spell has church in spite of the ban

Originally Posted by Raven View Post
If this was truly about religious freedom I would be firmly in Tony Spell's camp. But it's not! His underlying premise is the First Amendment's right to peaceful assembly. This order affects everyone from Nascar to Notre Dame without regard to race, religion, or sexual orientation. As to his affiliation with the WPF ??? The church founded by the chief person behind the WPF's formation is strictly online with no public services at the present.
You can't, falsely, yell "Fire!" in a theater and if your building has a seating capacity of 500 and you have 600 in attendance, the Fire Marshal can shut you down. Are we going to make a "Hero of Faith" out of someone who defies the Fire Marshal?
Someone once said, "Choose your battles wisely", and now it may be that Tony Spell will look back and wish that he had waited for a more opportune time or deferred to someone with more experience. [ Just an old man's observation. ]
If the underlying premise is freedom to peacefully assemble, then it IS about religious freedom.
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Old 03-19-2020, 09:46 PM
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Re: Tony Spell has church in spite of the ban

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
When you turn your Christian neighbors in to the death squads, pat yourself on the back real hard and enjoy it while you can. Cause you will very likely find yourself being turned in for disposal by your remaining neighbors eventually.
Maybe my fellow Wisconsinite will start here.
For anyone devoted to His fear:

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Old 03-19-2020, 10:23 PM
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Re: Tony Spell has church in spite of the ban

Originally Posted by diakonos View Post
Really? Do you quarantine yourself for a cold or the flu?
Quarantines have happened throughout history, because of the major pandemics the world has faced. It is just that today our world is so interconnected that it is a global issue instantly rather than over a longer period of time.

This is a very interesting article depicting the various plagues known throughout history.

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Old 03-19-2020, 11:17 PM
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Re: Tony Spell has church in spite of the ban

So did he reach out or attempt to contact other churches and ministers and pastors to try to encourage them to do the same? Maybe in a spirit of unity and understanding that people may be dealing with some fear, apprehension and also just the uniqueness of the situation?

That would impress me more than him packing folks in his church to the rafters.
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Old 03-19-2020, 11:40 PM
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Re: Tony Spell has church in spite of the ban

Biblical quarantine:

Leviticus 13:45 A diseased person must wear torn clothes and let his hair hang loose, and he must cover his mouth and cry out, ‘Unclean, unclean!’ 46 As long as he has the infection, he remains unclean. He must live alone in a place outside the camp.

The problem of course with this very contagious virus is that it is invisible and hard to discern if the symptoms presenting are the common cold, flu, or the virus that turns into a deadly pneumonia.

I just want people to think about these things. Quarantines work, and were instituted biblically. Not infecting other people was of the utmost importance, an institution of the Lord himself for the safety of the people.

This situation is not about religious freedom, because everyone's freedom is at stake, not just Christians.

However, I am concerned that something sinister is at work, trying to make use of this "perfect storm" of events, and to use it to usher in even greater loss of our freedoms.

But to not comply with a quarantine in our current Covid-19 event puts other vulnerable people in danger, and violates God's word, because we are to obey those in authority as long as we are not violating God's word.
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