Originally Posted by Sister Alvear
Sister Alvear,
I’m happy to see you post. I have a question for you about Christmas. It has been suggested (forcefully stated) that we celebrate Christmas on December 25 because we “borrowed” the date from the pagans, and that what we are REALLY doing is participating in idolatry by pretending to celebrate the birth of Christ while actually honoring old man winter, (or something). It’s complicated.
Meanwhile, it occurred to me that y’all being in Brazil, and (at least partially) in the Southern Hemisphere, your winter solstice would fall in our summer. I looked it up (thanks to Elder Google) and sure enough y’all’s winter solstice fell on June 20 this year, while ours in the northern hemisphere is on December 20. (Now, I realize that December 20 is NOT when Christmas is traditionally celebrated but it is evidently close enough for they that wish to fling accusations of idolatry). So it occurred to me that if y’all are celebrating Christmas on December 25, and you believe you are celebrating winter solstice on the sly, then perhaps you should be celebrating Christmas on June 20, instead of December 25.
Please understand, I am Not suggesting that y’all would be so carnal as to celebrate the birth of our Savior or anything like that.

But, if there were any of the less spiritual among the Brazilians that would be so carnal as to celebrate and be thankful for the birth of our Savior, and to set aside a day to recognize that birth, would they recognize it in December, or in June.
To further complicate matters, the equator dissects Brazil, meaning that part of the country falls in the northern hemisphere. So theoretically Brazil could celebrate winter solstice (under the guise of Christmas) twice each year. Once north of the equator on December 25, and again south of the equator, in late June.
So, what do y’all do, that are carnal and celebrate?
I appreciate your response.