Originally Posted by mfblume
You are missing the point as usual. You always switch the issue. You have to ADD to the bible to make your point. I am just using what the bible said alone.
Layman noticed this about Sean over on CARM. Layman concluded that Sean added his convoluted commentary to what he precieved the scripture was saying. 38 years Sean warmed a pew, and 38 years later he is religiously dysfunctional.
Originally Posted by mfblume
GOD was the word and GOD was made flesh.
Yet, for Sean's doctrine of the Mormon Jehovah Twins, the above concept is too hard to comprehend. Therefore he makes something up. His cognitive dissonance doesn't even kick in. He isn't that honest, he just wrests the scripture to his own dysfunction.
Originally Posted by mfblume
You claim he was not God until the resurrection.
Actually this is the point where Sean starts to have a brain stall. He has posted that Jesus was fully filled and led by the Holy Ghost. To the point of posting
John 3:34 then attributing it to Jesus having the Spirit without measure. This is all prior to the cross and the resurrection. Therefore the only thing we can conclude is that Sean believes that there are three separate components. Which are god 1, the Holy Ghost, filling god 2, the Christ, then after the resurrection god 1 with god 3, the father completely filling god 2, the Christ. This is the only conclusion we can see after we sift through Sean's rubbish.
Originally Posted by mfblume
But John 1 says He was GOD since HIS BiRTH. Who cares about cells and eggs? IT IS the words John used. Stick with those words. Stick with biblical terms. We just read of FLESH and GOD and WORD. And the Word is GOD. And the word became flesh. So God became flesh. And that was at the beginning.... not the end of his life.
Brother Blume, Sean like others before him, entered Church with honest good intent. After a while they feel they aren't getting the respect which they feel is owed to them. They become offended, then start to look for brethren of like precious hate. Some circle around the money offering system, whether tithing, or offerings, or donations. Building animosity towards ministry from there. There was a time these individuals would fade off into a cultic sun set. But, sadly with the advent of the internet they have taken their show on the road. We get to endure their horrific death of a thousand cuts.