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07-04-2017, 03:31 PM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 40,356
Re: More on Skirts
Originally Posted by good samaritan
Moral failure. I gave some examples of where some biblical Men of God went wrong or at least may have went wrong.
1 Timothy 1:13 speaks of Paul being a blasphemer in ignorance. So this is the strongest indicator that learning curves are allowed. 2 Peter 3:14-17, has Peter warning those who already have some understanding of what's going on. Peter then points out that Paul's wisdom was acquired from God. Peter goes on to say Paul writes his letters the same way, things which are difficult to understand. Keep in mind it is Peter who is writing these words. The same Peter who wanted to eat fat back with the Romans but also be a influence of his brethren being an elder in the church. Peter needed Paul, and Paul rose to the occasion to help a brother out. Not like the Industrial Church Complex thinks it should be done. With a foot rub, with lotion, and sweet calming words, to sooth over the mistake. But a good Apostolic talk to on how the cow ate the cabbage. It was elder to elder, not babe in Christ who didn't know any better. But seasoned ministry one who spent time with Christ. You got to give Peter this, his old pastor told him not to go the way of the Gentiles. He argues with God three time on how he never ate crawfish sauce piquante with a few links of gator boudin. He was at the meeting and even helped out Paul, Barnabas, with his testimony that he went into a Gentiles house, James thought it was so awesome that he proclaimed that the tabernacle of David which had fallen down was now restored with the entrance of the Romans into the church. Yet, it seems that Peter still had to figure out how all this worked. So, when he was in Galatia he still didn't work out all the bugs? Paul had to deal with him in front of all that all may fear. Calling people out on the carpet is for ministry by ministry. Not saints, that's just my opinion. Peter was afraid of the doctrine of the Roman Greeks be grafted into the domestic olive tree. No sin in that, and he had a brother available to help him land the plane. Everyone gets a little sideways, but there is always someone available to help straighten you out.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
Last edited by Evang.Benincasa; 07-04-2017 at 03:35 PM.

07-04-2017, 03:31 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2017
Location: North Anson, Maine
Posts: 10
Re: More on Skirts
Dear Fellow Brethren/Sisters,
I'm looking for any old Bible study teaching material donations, particularly for new converts.
Please send me an email to revrafferty@live.com and I will send you a prepaid Fedex label.
Thank you in advance. Whatever you send, I will use to teach others...

07-04-2017, 03:38 PM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 40,356
Re: More on Skirts
Originally Posted by revrafferty
Dear Fellow Brethren/Sisters,
I'm looking for any old Bible study teaching material donations, particularly for new converts.
Please send me an email to revrafferty@live.com and I will send you a prepaid Fedex label.
Thank you in advance. Whatever you send, I will use to teach others...
What's the website to your church if you have one?
What is your affiliation? Are you in an organization?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

07-04-2017, 03:56 PM
Unvaxxed Pureblood
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Zion aka TEXAS
Posts: 26,772
Re: More on Skirts
Originally Posted by Amanah
I hear a lot of "God is the God of second chances" preaching. I could use a little more hell is hot but heaven is not.
Preachers use to preach
- if you are not reading your bible, praying, and talking in tongues every day, you are lost
- you need to pray for a burden and win souls.
- Be at the church 30-60 minutes before service for pre service prayer
- worship God like its a rapture test
- Get right or get left
- If you look like the world and talk like the world, guess what
Sometimes I wonder if it matters what preachers preach. As you said, preachers used to preach. Yet here we are. Seems that preaching didnt stick? I've watched people who know and lived the truth just up and out of nowhere toss it all behind their back for the shallowest and dumbest of excuses. People raised on a steady diet of scripture and no fluff preaching. People with living examples before them of folks walking with God, through good and bad, success and failures. People who have testimonies of miracles, answered prayer, hard lessons learned, etc.
Gone like up in smoke, like it was all just a dream and they suddenly woke up and realized the REALLY important thing was some temporary flash in the pan. God was in the way of their "felt needs" so guess what they chose to struggle against? God, of all things. Deny self? Take up your cross? Yeah, well, this is a "special circumstance".
I'm learning that some folks (most?) just don't have it in them, and it dont look like God is putting it in them, either.
Maybe I'm just being pessimistic.
Or, maybe it's the End of Days.

07-04-2017, 04:52 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2017
Location: North Anson, Maine
Posts: 10
Re: More on Skirts
Consider the following:
If we follow the course of history and fast forward, what would the future look like?
It would be a future where all clothing is unisex, hair length/styles are unisex, bathrooms and locker-rooms are unisex, (dare I say marriage will be unisex), and would the church be able to define the differences?
The church preaches "principles" of distinction; should not the church define those distinctions between a man's appearance and a woman's appearance when the question arises? Who better in authority than Holy Ghost led, God-fearing, praying men answer such questions?
When we look at the end of thing, we can see the direction it leads.
Consider this logic:
1. If we preached in 1900 that a man should wear pants and a woman a skirt and continue the same message, then despite what the world's fashions dictate, the message would stay the same. (Incidentally, was it a Holy Ghost filled, Jesus' name baptized apostolic who feared God who designed pants cut for a woman?)
2. If we preached in 1900 that a man should wear pants but 2017, we preach that if the pants are cut for a woman it's okay, then by 2050, following the direction of travel, then unisex clothing is okay and there is no distinction.
This is not the infamous "slippery slope" principle, but rather, a logical progression as church folks move their datum with the worlds' sense of fashion.
What do you think??

07-04-2017, 08:19 PM
This is still that!
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Sebastian, FL
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Re: More on Skirts
Originally Posted by Esaias
Sometimes I wonder if it matters what preachers preach. As you said, preachers used to preach. Yet here we are. Seems that preaching didnt stick? I've watched people who know and lived the truth just up and out of nowhere toss it all behind their back for the shallowest and dumbest of excuses. People raised on a steady diet of scripture and no fluff preaching. People with living examples before them of folks walking with God, through good and bad, success and failures. People who have testimonies of miracles, answered prayer, hard lessons learned, etc.
Gone like up in smoke, like it was all just a dream and they suddenly woke up and realized the REALLY important thing was some temporary flash in the pan. God was in the way of their "felt needs" so guess what they chose to struggle against? God, of all things. Deny self? Take up your cross? Yeah, well, this is a "special circumstance".
I'm learning that some folks (most?) just don't have it in them, and it dont look like God is putting it in them, either.
Maybe I'm just being pessimistic.
Or, maybe it's the End of Days.

lots of pressure on us to crack, but we're not going to are we?

07-04-2017, 08:31 PM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 40,356
Re: More on Skirts
Originally Posted by revrafferty
Consider the following:
If we follow the course of history and fast forward, what would the future look like?
It would be a future where all clothing is unisex, hair length/styles are unisex, bathrooms and locker-rooms are unisex, (dare I say marriage will be unisex), and would the church be able to define the differences?
The church preaches "principles" of distinction; should not the church define those distinctions between a man's appearance and a woman's appearance when the question arises? Who better in authority than Holy Ghost led, God-fearing, praying men answer such questions?
When we look at the end of thing, we can see the direction it leads.
Consider this logic:
1. If we preached in 1900 that a man should wear pants and a woman a skirt and continue the same message, then despite what the world's fashions dictate, the message would stay the same. (Incidentally, was it a Holy Ghost filled, Jesus' name baptized apostolic who feared God who designed pants cut for a woman?)
2. If we preached in 1900 that a man should wear pants but 2017, we preach that if the pants are cut for a woman it's okay, then by 2050, following the direction of travel, then unisex clothing is okay and there is no distinction.
This is not the infamous "slippery slope" principle, but rather, a logical progression as church folks move their datum with the worlds' sense of fashion.
What do you think??
OK, allow me to officially welcome you to AFF, known as Apostolic Friends Forum or Apostolic Foes Forum. Which depends on which side of the slide you are on. Please don't get me wrong, there are tons of good Apostolic people here. ILG has an alter ego which is another forum poster called Emma Bontrager also known as the Marquise De Sade. ILG doesn't post here on a regular basis. She has a FACEBOOK page where she and other ex Pentecostals go to lick their wounds. Gather together and bounce ideas off their heads on how bad the One God Apostolic Jesus name Holiness movement was to them. ILG we care a great deal about, but she feels that we are sealed in our Pentecostal tar pits, and that she has heard every argument anyone can think of which defends Apostolic Holiness standards. She mainly posted this thread to show how much of a Ecclesiastical Neanderthal Brother DK Bernard was, and to show how his book Practical Holiness; A Second Look, isn't worth the paper it's written on. Yes, I know, I know, she stated in the first line of her original post that she did not mean to criticize or look down upon any choice a person may make on a personal level. But the proceeds to blow that all off by making it personal by targeting a preacher, and his book, who was from the organization she left.
I hope you will stick around and join into the discussions and anyway we all can help you we will try our best.
In Jesus name
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

07-04-2017, 08:31 PM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 40,356
Re: More on Skirts
Originally Posted by Amanah
lots of pressure on us to crack, but we're not going to are we?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

07-05-2017, 12:24 AM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 31,124
Re: More on Skirts
The truth is, one must be sinless to be Christian. Unless one here can honestly say before God and man that they are totally sinless, there isn't a Christian among us. Period.
If one no longer has a sinful nature, they cannot sin...it is against their nature, it is impossible. It will naturally be repugnant to them. Therefore, if we are not sinless, or should sin tomorrow, it is evidence of that we are clearly not born again.
Do the math. Sin equals unsaved. It's not that hard. We're all fakes. Every last one of us. Unless there's someone here that is indeed sinless. Which, there isn't.
Last edited by Aquila; 07-05-2017 at 12:36 AM.

07-05-2017, 04:35 AM
Join Date: Oct 2013
Location: WI
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Re: More on Skirts
Why do you suppose it was the Son of God and not Aquila who was crucified for the sins of the world?
Why did Jesus and not Aquila taste death for every man?
Trying to figure out why the Father allowed a substitute to die in your place, to take the punishment and penalty for your sins, to receive the wrath that should have gone to you, is simply because 1.) You couldn't handle it, even on your best days, and 2.) He loved you enough to send Someone else instead who could handle it, who could come back from it all after the fact and still have a smile on His face.
Beating ourselves up for our countless failures just goes to show that God did the right thing in not delivering us up to the cross. So get over it, already. God's not going to let you take the place He sent Jesus to take.
The check is already paid. Stop hanging around the restaurant arguing with the waiter about who's supposed to foot the bill. Offering to wash the dishes isn't going to get you anywhere. Just get in your car and go home, be thankful you got your belly full on someone else's dime, and hit the hay and go to bed, already.
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