Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
Now everyone has left talking about what the verse actually was saying. As it pretains to the people it was originally intended for. Now Aquila the soppy liberal change agent provocateur is offer the readers of this thread modern outfits? Which anyone would interchange without problem. Whether they were homosexual or HETEROSEXUAL. Remember Aquila's supposed position ( I say supposed because he is a flip flopper) is that Deuteronomy 22:5 is cocerning religious rituals performed for homosexual purposes. So, with that in mind his pictures mean nothing. Because our culture is at the bottom of the cess pool. Spiritually, mentally, morally, and sadly even physically. Just reading Aquila's postings over in the political section is enough to indicate this guy will be moving on from even liberal Christianity. I hope to Jesus I'm wrong but if his posting political and religious are any sort of indication of his future. Then I suggest we all start to pray now.
I'm going to let out the stops here.
It's pathetic self righteous legalists like you who have made the average person so sick of man made religion they've turned from the simplicity of the Gospel to go whoring after sin. It's people like you who have judged, condemned, maligned, and mocked the average hungry soul to the point that they don't trust or believe the stupidity you've turned the Gospel into. They don't want your fake, demon infested, white washed, hate filled, fabricated self aggrandizing religion of man. You've been used of Satan himself to turn MILLIONS off concerning the Gospel. The reason why America is what it is today is because of people like YOU.
Every post you make always includes a personal attack on someone. And you call yourself an evangelist? If you're really an evangelist, why are you on here all the time??? You're not out preaching the gospel, feeding the hungry, or helping the poor. You're here bashing me over women's pants. Lol
You're not an evangelist. You're a joke. Get a ministry and get busy, get off your lazy legalistic behind and do something positive. If you were an evangelist, this would be a waste of your time. Lol
You're a white washed, pink pants wearing, fake.
There, I'm done. I'm still will behind you on personal insults. But, maybe I'll catch up and we can go to Hell together.