Originally Posted by Aquila
Here is when the 'churchian" starts his post off with a smile. This is to show that what he is about to do, is done out of love.
Originally Posted by Aquila
Actually, I said that you'd evade that reality based on how you worded it because... you did.
More of his love.
Originally Posted by Aquila
- After the statement made about our sister, she was taken aback because she felt like you called her a dog.
Show me where I said "you are a dog." "Hey, you know you are a puppy?" "Did you know you are a canine?" "Excuse me, but in that avatar you look like my old pap after he had a few beers?" I said is that you in the avatar. All else is left up to the poster to inquire further. You know, something crazy like ask me what do you mean? Then the rest would of unfolded, I would of had to clarify what I meant. But, you are about Christian love and not legalism? Yeah, sure.
Originally Posted by Aquila
- And, when I read it I was a bit shocked that you'd insinuate that she was a dog.
That's probably how you read a Bible and how you do your politics.
Originally Posted by Aquila
- After this, Esaias launched a rather creative defense for you by listing a series of things you could have meant.
Oh, because my brother defended me you pop a few caps into the back of his head. Way to go, Love Seeks Not Its Own, Is Not Easily Provoked, Thinks No Evil.
Originally Posted by Aquila
- After Esaias' defense for your statement, you didn't offer any clarification or apology regarding any misunderstanding that might have occured. You simply answered:
Apology? Make an apology and ruin your all the fun your having? I don't have the foggiest idea you needs an apology. Also what made you think the poster was female? Where did that come from? Do you even know what you are doing here and what is your role in all of this? Oh, yeah, you are showing us Churchian love. Sticky, sweet, each fellowship is like being wrapped up in candy floss, and just as pink!
Originally Posted by Aquila
To me, it looked like two frat boys trying to defend bad behavior. Not a clarification to ensure a sister wasn't insulted personally.
Frat boys? My brother and I are in a fraternity. Oh, that is because we are the unclean, we are the untouchables, we are the neanderthals who aren't as smart as you to crawl out of the tar pit. The coin may have two sides, but it always has the same amount. One sends you to hell while banging you over the head, the other kills you softly with their song. Because unless you reach their standard of what they see as being nicer than Jesus, you are just as lost as the guy with the beard.
Originally Posted by Aquila
So, I based my statement on what you actually did (intended or not). Not on the premise of you being bad and me being good. I was simply making an observation.
And observation filtered through your dislike, through your frustrations, through you not being able to deal with the truth. So, something as dull as another poster being asked a question. Was viewed as your chance to tie me to the bumper and drag me around your parking lot of Churchian love fest.
All while you sing, "Jesus, lover of my soul!"
Originally Posted by Aquila
As for the rest of your post. It was just a bunch of personal jabs and sarcasm towards me.
Oh, like frat boys? Bro, you would do yourself a lot of good if you could reread all your posts. Just for the last 5 years. One thing about the New Testament, it is about digging yourself, really examine yourself. Ultra Conservatives blah blah,
Deuteronomy 22:5 no longer applies, but then you get to proverbs and GOD calls liars, witnesses, and feet which scurry to do evil an abomination. You really what to know what it is like to teach contradictions? Untie your sneakers and run down the street. Sooner or later you are going to trip and land right on your face.
Originally Posted by Aquila
But I don't mind, express yourself.
Of course you don't mind, you called my brother and I frat boys. That's all cool, but at least don't act like you have hands smoother than a new born baby's feet.
Originally Posted by Aquila
I never claimed to be perfect. However, insinuating that a sister is a dog? Dude... that just isn't cool. I will say, she was quite a lady with how she responded.
Funny how madras posted he's a guy. You just shoot your mouth off without looking well at your going.
Originally Posted by Aquila
I assume you sent HER a private message apologizing for any misunderstanding?
Yeah, you assume much my boy.
That must be the story of your life.
Put me back on ignore.