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Old 01-09-2017, 08:48 PM
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Kiss and Make Up/Shake hands/Etc.

Hello, All

This last election cycle was particularly brutal and a lot of what went on both in real life and at AFF wasn't pretty.

Since all the chips have landed and no amount of posturing or arguing is going to change anything, let us instead seek reconciliation.

No one is being asked to agree with or affirm any position. No one is being asked to take back anything as it pertains to their sincerely held political convictions.

Rather, what is being asked, is that, if any part of your consciences bears witness against you, that you may have posted something you regret, that you realize now was offensive or hurtful to another member, this thread is your chance to come forward and make general or specific apologies to any and all you feel you may have upset or pushed too far.
"Ya'll behave now, ya hear!"

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Old 01-09-2017, 09:00 PM
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Re: Kiss and Make Up/Shake hands/Etc.

Admin will go first.

As you all know there are several different members who are also admins for AFF. We each have our own log-ins and post under those handles. Additionally, we can each of us log-in under "Admin" in order to intervene in whatever way is required (e.g. rules violations, thread or post content issues, and etc.)

This being the case, there were a lot of reported posts from this section over the last year, many of them that did not receive a suitable response from the Admin team. This caused a grievance with some members who felt like the admins were not doing enough to address those concerns.

For this, we apologize. No one could have guessed how hotly this last election cycle was going to be debated, or that such a massive shift and polarization of the American people, between people, was going to take place. This played itself out here as much as anywhere, when members who otherwise seemed to get along prior to the cycle suddenly felt at loggerheads with their brothers and sisters regarding the sundry issues of the last year or so.

This created a difficult situation all around, because on the one hand, everyone has the right to their opinions and beliefs, and can fall anywhere on the political spectrum without it being an issue as it pertains to AFF and the rules of the forum. On the other hand, sometimes politics got in the way of what the various admins felt was proper posting vis a vis the expected norms of basic Christian conduct.

It was a balance that we didn't always maintain. Sometimes loss of this balance left some members feeling left out to dry. For this, we again apologize.

We may not always agree or take action in the way a member might hope, but being ignored or left hanging with unresolved issues isn't the way for the admins to go, either. So, again we apologize if any have taken offense to us personally, or even collectively.

We hope that if any feels offended by the actions or lack thereof of the admins, our apology can be accepted in the spirit it was given. Thanks to all who continue to post here. You help make AFF the place it is. Even when things get a little rowdy, it's still a great forum to be a part of.

Don't you agree?
"Ya'll behave now, ya hear!"

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Old 01-10-2017, 01:51 AM
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Re: Kiss and Make Up/Shake hands/Etc.

I saw the thread title in the 'latest threads' sidebar and thought you were talking about Gene Simmons and company for some reason...
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Old 01-11-2017, 05:45 AM
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Re: Kiss and Make Up/Shake hands/Etc.

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
I saw the thread title in the 'latest threads' sidebar and thought you were talking about Gene Simmons and company for some reason...
Kiss and make up!
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Old 01-11-2017, 10:14 AM
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Re: Kiss and Make Up/Shake hands/Etc.

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Kiss and make up!
So, we pretty much know that Prax didn't start this thread.
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Old 01-15-2017, 06:22 PM
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Re: Kiss and Make Up/Shake hands/Etc.

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
So, we pretty much know that Prax didn't start this thread.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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