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Old 12-07-2016, 05:21 PM
Jito463 Jito463 is offline
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Re: Why isn't anyone discussing the DAPL Pipeline?

Originally Posted by Scott Pitta View Post
The violent reaction by the state of North Dakota to citizens is terrifying.
What about the violent actions of the protesters? Do you condemn them?
Authorities also said they pulled back Tuesday from responding to a report of 150 to 200 protesters, some with hatchets and knives


Or from NRO

A 37-year-old Colorado woman allegedly fired her .38-caliber pistol three times at a sheriff’s deputy.

In addition to bullets, law-enforcement officials have dodged protesters’ other projectiles, which have ranged from Molotov cocktails to wood and stones to feces.

A drone endangered a police helicopter, and the sheriff’s department said arrows were also shot at it.

And in November, protesters on horseback chased a herd of bison, “attempting to stampede them toward law enforcement,” the sheriff’s department reported. It took a helicopter and an airplane to divert them, the situation veering close to catastrophe.
How dare police interfere with those "peaceful" protesters.
Originally Posted by Originalist View Post
Sometimes hidden dangers spring on us suddenly. Those are out of our control. But when one can see the danger, and then refuses to arrest , all in the name of "God is in control", they are forfeiting God given, preventive opportunities.
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Old 12-08-2016, 01:21 AM
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Re: Why isn't anyone discussing the DAPL Pipeline?

Originally Posted by Jito463 View Post
What about the violent actions of the protesters? Do you condemn them?
Authorities also said they pulled back Tuesday from responding to a report of 150 to 200 protesters, some with hatchets and knives


Or from NRO

A 37-year-old Colorado woman allegedly fired her .38-caliber pistol three times at a sheriff’s deputy.

In addition to bullets, law-enforcement officials have dodged protesters’ other projectiles, which have ranged from Molotov cocktails to wood and stones to feces.

A drone endangered a police helicopter, and the sheriff’s department said arrows were also shot at it.

And in November, protesters on horseback chased a herd of bison, “attempting to stampede them toward law enforcement,” the sheriff’s department reported. It took a helicopter and an airplane to divert them, the situation veering close to catastrophe.
How dare police interfere with those "peaceful" protesters.
These protesters are native americans and social justice warrior Clintonista Obamunists. Therefore, they do NOT get the Lavoy Finicum treatment. Nor do they go to federal jail for 10-25 years, nor do they get treated like terrorists. Why? Because Bill Ayers' disciple is in the White House, that's why.
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Old 12-08-2016, 02:58 AM
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Re: Why isn't anyone discussing the DAPL Pipeline?

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
The protestors all use horse and buggy and grow/raise their own food, right? It just wouldn't do if they turned out to be hypocrites...

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Old 12-08-2016, 08:31 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Why isn't anyone discussing the DAPL Pipeline?

The Reason for the Dakota Standing Rock protest in 3 minutes

Old 12-08-2016, 11:51 AM
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Re: Why isn't anyone discussing the DAPL Pipeline?

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post

I bet she could knock some sense into these protestors!

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Old 12-08-2016, 11:56 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Why isn't anyone discussing the DAPL Pipeline?

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
I bet she could knock some sense into these protestors!

What price do you pay if this pipeline poisons the water these Native Americans happen to depend upon?

You have no skin in the game. They have their health and the health of their children to defend. That overrides ANYTHING this billion dollar Philistine has to offer. Of course to some.... only the corporations matter.
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Old 12-09-2016, 02:53 AM
Nitehawk013 Nitehawk013 is offline
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Re: Why isn't anyone discussing the DAPL Pipeline?

Every other neighboring tribe looked into the offer and found it was acceptable. The protesting tribe refused to even come to the table, didn't even show up at the meetings. They were holding out for more and more money form the oil companies. Finally, the oil comps decided they had waited long enough,then it became a water safety issue. So then the oil companies agreed to move the pipeline AS WELL as create another pipeline to bring water from another source far from the oil pipeline. SO then the tribe decides it is a burial ground issue. Then that got debunked as a lie.

Finally...bring on the protestors. After all, th ebad guy HAS to be "big oil". It couldn't be that this one tribe was trying to drive up the offer to them and make more money off of the oil company, and when that backfired they decided to pout about it on TV.

My initial reaction was to side with the tribe as well. After all, Native Americans have indeed been treated horrically in thie country. Butthen I did something crazy. I read a few actual reports and news articles instead of just what the lefty sites were screaming about. Amazing how much you find when you refuse to listen to lying liberals and dig up the actual recent history that lead to this nonsense over DAPL.
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Old 12-09-2016, 08:32 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Why isn't anyone discussing the DAPL Pipeline?

Originally Posted by Nitehawk013 View Post
Every other neighboring tribe looked into the offer and found it was acceptable.
I think each tribe has a right to decide what is best for them as a tribe. Obviously, some tribes go for the money, others don't.

The protesting tribe refused to even come to the table, didn't even show up at the meetings.
Should a corporation hold the right to FORCE anyone to a table?

They were holding out for more and more money form the oil companies.
Maybe, maybe not. Normally in situations like these there are several agendas afoot. Some members of the tribe might have wanted to hold out for more money while others simply didn't want to make a deal at all based on beliefs, practices, and concerns over the pipeline.

Finally, the oil comps decided they had waited long enough,then it became a water safety issue.
Poor oil company. Frankly, I don't think a corporation has the right to FORCE anyone into a deal. Anyone, including you and me, should have the right to send a corporation packing if we simply don't feel like working with them.

So then the oil companies agreed to move the pipeline AS WELL as create another pipeline to bring water from another source far from the oil pipeline.
Okay, and? Who cares? Obviously this tribe doesn't want anything to do with making a deal with this corporation. So, why FORCE them? The corporation should just go home.

SO then the tribe decides it is a burial ground issue. Then that got debunked as a lie.
It's sad that this tribe has to begin trying to justify why they don't want to deal with this corporation. A simple letter telling the corporation "no" should have ended the matter.

Finally...bring on the protestors. After all, th ebad guy HAS to be "big oil". It couldn't be that this one tribe was trying to drive up the offer to them and make more money off of the oil company, and when that backfired they decided to pout about it on TV.
Why does the corporation want to FORCE this tribe to accept this deal??? Why not accept that this tribe said no and leave it at that?

My initial reaction was to side with the tribe as well. After all, Native Americans have indeed been treated horrically in thie country. Butthen I did something crazy. I read a few actual reports and news articles instead of just what the lefty sites were screaming about. Amazing how much you find when you refuse to listen to lying liberals and dig up the actual recent history that lead to this nonsense over DAPL.
I'm still puzzled. Why is the corporation trying to FORCE this tribe into a deal? They clearly don't want to agree to having the pipeline set up through their land. Isn't that enough? Must they have to repeatedly justify WHY they don't want the deal? Must they face all these brutal measures being taken to FORCE them into a deal they obviously don't want?

Corporation, go home. You're drunk with power.
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Old 12-09-2016, 10:27 AM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Why isn't anyone discussing the DAPL Pipeline?

I'm with the oil company on this, sorry. The only thing stopping them from completing the pipeline is the "death by delay" tactic the obama administration loves to use. Now they're doing another environmental impact survey, even though one has already been done. It's the same thing obama did with Keystone. Delay, delay, delay and hope the oil company loses so much money with the delay that they eventually give up.

This isn't on tribal land and there aren't any sacred burial grounds near the pipeline. The company has adequately addressed all concerns, but unfortunately the obama administration is playing politics.

I would suggest Trump reverse the current administration's order, but currently he owns stock with Energy Transfer Partners, which is building the pipeline, so that would be a bit of a conflict.

No deal needs to be made with the Indians since this is all on private land purchased by the company.
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Old 12-09-2016, 11:45 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Why isn't anyone discussing the DAPL Pipeline?

Originally Posted by n david View Post
I'm with the oil company on this, sorry. The only thing stopping them from completing the pipeline is the "death by delay" tactic the obama administration loves to use. Now they're doing another environmental impact survey, even though one has already been done. It's the same thing obama did with Keystone. Delay, delay, delay and hope the oil company loses so much money with the delay that they eventually give up.

This isn't on tribal land and there aren't any sacred burial grounds near the pipeline. The company has adequately addressed all concerns, but unfortunately the obama administration is playing politics.

I would suggest Trump reverse the current administration's order, but currently he owns stock with Energy Transfer Partners, which is building the pipeline, so that would be a bit of a conflict.

No deal needs to be made with the Indians since this is all on private land purchased by the company.
If and when this company gets their way and there is a pipeline problem that poisons the water these people are protecting.... who pays the price?
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