Originally Posted by aegsm76
Yes, I get a kick out of most preppers that think they are prepared.
You better have a lot of ammo and a good position.
When people are hungry they will go to extreme measures.
I have always said the best place to be in the US would be Utah.
But you better be Mormon...
Never knew a prepper who didn't have plenty of ammo. Most real preppers are also former military, or farmer/rancher types anyway who aren't too worried about any golden hordes. The only hordes they are concerned about are "government helpers" from FEMA, biker gangs, and other well organized criminal gangs... which are a threat as it is.
Urban zombie hordes are for TV, most of them wouldn't make it out of the city limits anyway.
The Mormons are stocked up in Utah for the express purpose of feeding non Mormons who survive the upcoming trials and tribulations. Mormons are your friends when it comes to needing food in emergencies, I've known them personally. Their religion is whacked, but they are neighborly. Least the ones I've known.