Originally Posted by Originalist
Cruz cannot secure the required number of delegates needed to win it. The establishment will never allow a convention to nominate him. If either Cruz or Trump do win out in a convention, the establishment will run one of their hacks on a 3rd party ticket to insure a Clinton win.
The GOP wont run a 3rd party ticket, thats foolishness. The only threat of a 3rd party is Donald. If it goes to convention he won't get the nomination, and his sour grapes and huge ego could cause him to run a 3rd party even if that means Hillary wins. I don't believe Trump really cares about the country or its people, only his self (which is really no different than most politicians). The GOP would hate Trump to be the nominee, but wouldn't run a 3rd party. They'd wait and see what happens and rebuild the party after a loss.
I think they'd get behind Cruz but if Cruz lost the general, there would be serious distancing and talk about rebuilding the party (again). Insert Paul Ryan or a more polished Marco Rubio for 2020.
I believe that Cruz would win head to head against Hillary. I'm not sure Trump will allow it.