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Old 11-09-2015, 08:03 AM
Sean Sean is offline

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Re: Changing To Preterism from Rapture Doctrine

Originally Posted by mfblume View Post
There he goes again!!!!

You always only make cognitive dissonant distractions and not deal with the actual issue. You take the attention off yourself and desperately try to make ME LOOK BAD by avoiding the issue that you send people to hell for "Simply, to me." You have NO grounds to say Rev 22 is reality because the chapter does not say so, when it issues THE VERY LAMB you say is a sign and the VERY RIVER you say is a sign.

Answer the issue. Your "Simply, to me" doctrine is groundless.

You said the LAMB is not what we see. You said the rivers of living water is NOT WHAT WE SEE. And what is your basis? "Simply, to me."

Mike, we are here it seems, to play a little game of wit matching.

But really, there are 2 perspectives here.

Perspective #1(mine).....I am trying my best to keep the passage intact and minimize any foreign ideas into the passage. I want to see what John was saying in the passage.

Perspective #2(yours)......You want to try your best to make the passage say something entirely different, using typology and metaphors, reading a passage with sarcasm(at times) at the wording, ready to find other hidden meanings.

There is a passage that the Lord used, that we see in no other book of the Bible.

It is a direct threat to anyone that tampers with it's contents.(do you realize that misquoting this book can d....n a soul?)

I dread the thought of being lost over this passage....

18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

This passage, is the center of my reasoning when trying to figure out what this book is saying.

I view your stance as so extreme, that this passage was, and is speaking of folks like you, that would come in the future to reason away the words of the book as you do.

Jesus KNEW that preterism would rise in the future and spoke accordingly.

I can only give you this word of advice.....

Let this passage be your premise as you attempt to "discipher" Revelations.

You will be less apt to re-invent meanings of entire chapters again

Last edited by Sean; 11-09-2015 at 08:24 AM.
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Old 11-09-2015, 08:06 AM
Sean Sean is offline

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Re: Changing To Preterism from Rapture Doctrine

Originally Posted by shag View Post
While u boys been scrappin it out the last 5 pages, my 11 yr old daughter got buried w Christ in baptism this evening

Praise break!

Praise Jesus.

That is what it is all about!
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Old 11-09-2015, 08:27 AM
Sabby Sabby is offline
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Re: Changing To Preterism from Rapture Doctrine

I came to the Lord in the mid-70's and my end-time beliefs were formed by Lindsey's book, The Late, Great Planet Earth.
I went to Europe in the military shortly thereafter and had pastors that taught a historicist/partial preterist point of view.
During my years in (UPC) bible school I had to take apart both positions to come up with what I thought was the scriptural "intent" on the end of time.

The natural progression of secularism has led to less Christian influence in America; I don't conflate our crumbling culture as a symptom of a nearing Tribulation. We have real martyrs in the middle east.
Jesus said, "...no many knows" and that is what I have come up with. So I live my life as a child of the One whose train will one day arrive at the station. No matter what your end time belief may be, just BE AT THE STATION when He returns with your lamp bright, full of oil and wicks trimmed. Be ready.

Sean is not interested in discussing your question. He is willing to slam anyone that doesn't think like he does.
I believe what I believe. Jesus is going to literally return again.
The Gospel is in Genesis

Last edited by Sabby; 11-09-2015 at 08:28 AM. Reason: grammar
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Old 11-09-2015, 08:35 AM
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Re: Changing To Preterism from Rapture Doctrine

Originally Posted by Sean View Post
[COLOR="Red"]Mike, we are here it seems, to play a little game of wit matching.

But really, there are 2 perspectives here.

Perspective #1(mine).....I am trying my best to keep the passage intact and minimize any foreign ideas into the passage. I want to see what John was saying in the passage.

Perspective #2(yours)......You want to try your best to make the passage say something entirely different, using typology and metaphors, reading a passage with sarcasm(at times) at the wording, ready to find other hidden meanings.
Sean, I told you many times that I was in your camp and believed and preached what you espouse. Then I started seeing holes in it. I started reading the bible and forgetting what I was told those verses were saying, and started to let the verses instruct me. I did not LOOK for anything. I just knew disp had holes like I am showing you lately. I cast away all preconceived ideas once I saw the holes in dispensationalism. I read it and asked myself if what those verses were really saying what I was told they were saying. I started to let the bible instruct me.

I looked for no hidden meanings. I realized that all the bible must flow together. What one chapter says cannot contradict another chapter on the same subject. And I used consistency. For example, I showed you how inconsistent your view is by pointing out your belief about the LAMB compared to your belief about the Tree of Life. I pointed out to you that the chapters that mention the LAMB have no statements in them that say Jesus is LIKE a Lamb or it's AS IF Jesus is a Lamb. They simply spoke of the Lamb, period, There's no elaboration about it and not even a mention of the name Jesus to make us think the Lamb is a sign or symbol. That is precisely the way it is with the Tree of Life in Revelation 22. No LIKE, n AS, or anything. It flatly says there's a tree of life, like it flatly says there's a lamb.

If you were consistent, you would either say one of two things.

1. The LAMB is not a symbol because it does not say so, just like you say the Tree of life is not a symbol because it doesn't say so.

2. The Lamb is a symbol even though it does not say so, because Revelation is introduced as a book of SIGNS, just like the Tree of Life is a symbol because Revelation is introduced as a book of SIGNS.

But you are not consistent with how you treat the Lamb and the Tree of Life.

And what makes you even more inconsistent is that Revelation 22 mentions the LAMB, and also mentions the RIVER of living waters THAT YOU AGREE are SIGNS of Jesus and the Holy Ghost baptism. But in the same chapter after you PART of it has SIGNS you say part of it DOES NOT have signs.... the part about the tree of life.

And I realized the tree of life was not actual because the Tree is in the City, and the City is in Heaven. Then the City leaves Heaven to go to the earth. John is standing on a mountain on earth and watches as the City leaves Heaven.

Also, I realized the gold is transparent. 99.999% pure gold is absolutely opaque. And .001% impurity being removed is not going to change it from opaque to transparent. At this point you make ridiculous things up saying it is NEW gold. lol

Not only that, dispensationalists teach a hermeneutical rule to live by that they don't live by themselves: They say that if something cannot exist naturally, then it is symbolic. But then they turn around and say the gold is literally transparent, and they also say the pearls are actual pearls, when each gate is made of one solid pearl. There's no oyster that makes pearls that big because there's no oysters big enough to make pearls that big. So, dispensationalists destroy their own rule of hermeneutics and interpretation.

And if they're foolish enough to say God can make pearls that big, or oysters that big to create a pearl that size, then why don't they use that ridiculous reasoning to say God can make a Lamb with seven eyes and seven horns, too! After all, God can do anything, right?

So you and dispensationalists are inconsistent.

And when I stump you so you cannot answer me, you make up things about how I came to believe what I believe, like you did in this post, when in actuality I looked for nothing in particular, looked for no hidden meanings, and started letting the bible instruct me as to what to believe, and saw all these holes in your teaching.

Sean, you look for what you already believe when you read Revelation. Just like my motto says below every one of my posts, you do not let the bible teach you, but you only look for what you already believe. That's why you make things up, even absolutely nonsensical things, --- anything -- to keep your belief rather than let the bible correct your faulty beliefs.

the Bible CORRECTED my faulty beliefs to what I now believe.

here's an example of how you make things up as you. One of many! You read this verse:
Revelation 21:2 And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.


Revelation 21:10 And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God,
And you hear me say the CITY LEAVES HEAVEN. But you're so stuck on the idea that the leaves on the tree keep people in Heaven from getting sick and dying THAT YOU MAKE UP THE IDEA THAT the city only leaves ONE PART OF HEAVEN AND GOES INTO ANOTHER PART OF HEAVEN, STAYING IN HEAVEN ALL THE WHILE. Mean while, NOTHING in the chapter says anything about a PART OF HEAVEN. It just says it COMES OUT OF HEAVEN. AND IN is the OPPOSITE OF OUT. So it is not IN Heaven if it comes OUT of Heaven.

This is a perfect and solid example of how you do not let the bible teach you, but you not only LOOK for what you already believe, but you CHANGE THE BIBLE AND ADD WORDS TO IT to make and force it to fit your belief.

The whole reason you do this with the city coming out of heaven, is because you have a seriously mistaken belief that the CITY IS HEAVEN, and that the only way people can be immortal is to do something with leaves that heal the nations. You think the nations are the people in heaven. You never believed that before, though, until you saw me argue how the tree cannot be real since heaven doesn't need any healing. And so you MADE UP the belief that the leaves keep people immortal, in heaven, when you never thought of it before, just to disagree with me. And then THAT LED you to ALSO say that the tree of life cannot be symbolic since it says TREE OF LIFE. But again, the same chapter Rev 22 that says the TREE is there also says the LAMB is there, and you agree the lamb is a SYMBOL. But you don't care so long as you can win an argument. So you force the bible to say the CITY moves from one PART of heaven to the other.

And you have quoted and quoted the verse that says do not add to the Word. but you added the idea of a PART OF HEAVEN instead of just leaving it as the city leaving heaven.

Your problem is that you KNOW we cannot add to the word and force ideas into it that are not there. But you do not apply that to yourself, and think I am playing a game of wits, when I am only pointing out consistencies and inconsistencies in your reasoning. You think it's a game of wits because THAT IS HOW YOU TREAT IT. You do not allow the bible to instruct and correct you, but you force your ideas into the bible to the extent that you TWIST IT to do so. You CHANGE the text to do so. because you are trying to OUTWIT me, when I am not doing anything about wits at all.

Sadly, you will still think this is a game of wits and try to look for something to make me appear wrong, and make something else up if it takes it, instead of just letting the bible correct you.

"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
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Old 11-09-2015, 08:40 AM
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Re: Changing To Preterism from Rapture Doctrine

Originally Posted by Sabby View Post
I came to the Lord in the mid-70's and my end-time beliefs were formed by Lindsey's book, The Late, Great Planet Earth.
I went to Europe in the military shortly thereafter and had pastors that taught a historicist/partial preterist point of view.
During my years in (UPC) bible school I had to take apart both positions to come up with what I thought was the scriptural "intent" on the end of time.

The natural progression of secularism has led to less Christian influence in America; I don't conflate our crumbling culture as a symptom of a nearing Tribulation. We have real martyrs in the middle east.
Jesus said, "...no many knows" and that is what I have come up with. So I live my life as a child of the One whose train will one day arrive at the station. No matter what your end time belief may be, just BE AT THE STATION when He returns with your lamp bright, full of oil and wicks trimmed. Be ready.

Sean is not interested in discussing your question. He is willing to slam anyone that doesn't think like he does.
I believe what I believe. Jesus is going to literally return again.
While I agree with your assessment of tradition, I strongly disagree with relegating it all to "Whatever happens happens," because the Lord spent a huge part of the entire bible talking about prophecy. So he expects us to study it and learn the truth.

I think the reason so many think we cannot really know, so let's just be happy that whatever is true will happen, without knowing what it will be, is the fact that the issue covers SO MUCH BIBLE that it takes months maybe years to sort it out and people just don't take that time to do it. That's also why the average preacher won't even deal with it, and they think there are experts whom they will rely upon to study it for them, so they don't have to.

So, I agree Sean won't deal with it honestly.

But I cannot agree with it being sufficient to just believe Jesus is coming back whenever, either. If that is how we should think, then God wasted entire biblical chapters and even some biblical books on us, since we're not getting into them at all.

"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
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Old 11-09-2015, 09:40 AM
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Re: Changing To Preterism from Rapture Doctrine

Traditionalists cannot think the way we do when we say we allow the bible to correct us. they're so stuck in traditions, and so unaccustomed to letting the bible teach them or correct them that they only look for what they already believe in the bible when they read it.

Letting the bible be a book that instructs them as to what to believe is a totally alien concept to them.

Sticking to the POINT of this thread, which was violated terribly by the specific people who were asked to abide by it, let me say this:


In the early 90's I preached a bible study one Tuesday night from the book of Revelation regarding the opening of the seven-sealed book. I told the congregation that it was a viewpoint that was entirely different from anything I taught about that issue before. I was taking it to a personal perspective, rather than an "end of the world" perspective. I taught that we are like the books that God is opening up, and indicated that a series of dealings upon our "self life" must occur to "break" our lives open, in order to reveal Christ.

I do not rely upon feelings to determine what is truth. However, there should be a witness of the Spirit when one is preaching or teaching truth. And I was overwhelmed with an anointing presence of God as I taught, while some of the saints wept with hands raised as I taught. What an unusual manifestation of glory in a regular, what was normally, a "toned-down" mid-week bible study!

And I felt as though God was slapping me on the back, encouraging me, saying, "Now you're getting somewhere!"

Things progressed in the mid 90's. I formed a website and began writing my studies, and posting them on my website, not even realizing where they would take me. A series entitled THE HOUSE ON THE ROCK SERIES, shown on this website in the MATURITY page, was the next step. I saw the temple imagery in the book of Revelation as being indicative of the Church built on the Rock by Jesus, according to Matthew 16:18. I began concentrating on that aspect of Revelation, noting that the book was a Revelation of Jesus Christ, and not bombs and computer chips.

Before I even recognized the slant of prophecy to be what I now see it as, I did a study entitled TAKE A BITE OF ETERNAL LIFE. It is about Revelation's 5th chapter where Jesus, like a High Priest, entering heaven, like a most holy place, and obtaining the book to redeem mankind. Like someone going into the Garden again, after being barred out.

I promised the Lord I would preach this everywhere I went. It was a message that stressed Acts 2:38 salvation, and opened Revelation up in an entirely new light to me.

Shortly afterwards, I was invited to speak at the UPCI's CANADA CONFERENCE, where I preached it in obedience to my promise to God.

It was about then, also, that someone of an entirely different denomination contacted me, and indicated something miraculous was occurring. He said he heard tapes by a man named Malcolm Smith from Britain who spoke about Revelation 5 in a manner he never read or heard before in his life. The guy asked me if I heard M. Smith before. I never heard of him in my life. He was blown away. He said the very point I noted in my study about Jesus being High Priest and entering the most holy place of heaven is exactly what M. Smith noted he never heard before from anyone.

Well, neither had I!

And it was THAT study that opened this entire perspective of Revelation up to me.

Soon I received a call from an apostolic minister in the USA whose congregant informed him that I was teaching the same things he was. He was amazed at how young I was (mid 30's at that time) since he knew several others who were into this as well, but all older brethren. I did not see all of Matthew 24 fulfilled at that time, and this brother indicated to me it was indeed all fulfilled. So I began searching and challenging traditions I had been taught years before. I wanted to be Berean, and examine in scripture everything I was taught to ensure that it was so.

Then I received another note from a member of Rev. Larry T. Smith's church, who witnessed the same thing. Bro. Smith and I were teaching the same thing, too!

I contacted Bro. Smith and came to preach for him, and did not even concentrate on prophecy. However, what I concentrated upon was "who we are in Christ," and how Revelation speaks of that aspect of our lives. The work of the cross became central in my studies for those, and several more years to follow. Revelation became a book of Victory to me, and not something horrible. And Bro. Smith jumped up afterwards, and noted that I preached the same thing he was preaching at about the time I was receiving these thoughts, the mid 90's.

These two men of God were dropped into my lap, in the midst of my studies, in what I believe to be genuine Apostolic witness, as Paul compared notes with the ministers of genuine repute, lest he had run in vain (Gal. 2:1-2).

"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
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Old 11-09-2015, 09:45 AM
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Re: Changing To Preterism from Rapture Doctrine

So... Jesus is a vine with grapes, I assume?? And has a sword coming out of his mouth???
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Old 11-09-2015, 09:55 AM
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Re: Changing To Preterism from Rapture Doctrine

Originally Posted by houston View Post
So... Jesus is a vine with grapes, I assume?? And has a sword coming out of his mouth???
Yeah! And he has seven eyes and horns. And He actually holds angels turned into stars in his hand, and no longer has dark hair, but white. His eyeballs are also replaced with fire. He's a branch, a stick of wood. He's the first letter of the alphabet and the last one as well. And while He is a lamb he is also a lion!

We could go on and on.

"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."

Last edited by mfblume; 11-09-2015 at 09:58 AM.
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Old 11-09-2015, 09:59 AM
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Re: Changing To Preterism from Rapture Doctrine


The Apostle Paul represented the entire concept of the Old Testament using the picture of the veiled face of Moses, from the days when God first gave the Old Covenant to Israel while atop Mt. Sinai. Paul said that the people of the Old Covenant could never look to the final conclusion and goal of the Old Covenant, as represented by Moses’ veiled face. Contrasting that with the New Testament, he said that "we", the apostles, use great plainness of speech. And he then signified the entire concept of the New Testament as the unveiled face of Jesus Christ, into which we fully gaze, and are changed into the same image (2 Cor. 3:18, 4:6).

But even the temporal glory that shone on Moses’ face was too much for the Israelites. The New Testament, on the other hand, will never fade away. The ultimate work of God in this world is the New Testament church of the living God, comprised of both Jews and Gentiles!

I propose that the entire book of Revelation (unveiling) is the account of the changeover from Law to grace -- the transition from, and the passing away of, the Old Testament, for the inception of the ever glorious New Testament. The first verse of this precious book reads that it was a “Revelation of Jesus Christ”, and not the popular notion today of it being a revelation of nuclear holocaust and Chinese armies and computer chips. The Revelation (unveiling) was written in “signifying” terms (Rev. 1:1). Visionary symbolism, in other words. John was inspired to use the same picture Paul used in writing 2 Corinthians chapter 3. Jesus unveiled! The inspired Apostle Paul used the picture of an unveiled (revealed) face of Jesus Christ as the representation of the entire New Covenant ministry. He said our hearts receive the glory of the knowledge of God in the face of Jesus Christ (2 Cor. 4:6).

And with the revelation of Jesus Christ, came many implications. Along with the multiplied thousands who gained salvation through the cross, the unbelieving element of Israel rejected Him, having perpetrated the very cross that is such a blessing to us today. He came unto His own, and His own received Him not (John 1:11)! He found her in the arms of Rome, ultimately calling for Caesar to be her king instead, while they forced Pilate to do away with Him! She was the great harlot (read all of Ezekiel 16). Those who should have accepted Him, cried for His blood to be upon them and their children -- that generation.

That generation was so wicked that Jesus said they were similar to the man set free of demons. After his deliverance, this man experienced a seven-fold worse possession. So it would be with that wicked generation (Matthew 12:43-45). Since they did not fill their hearts with the Lord after His ministry cleared the way of all satanic blinders from their eyes, they became what Revelation calls the habitation of every unclean spirit (Revelation 18:2). They beheld God's glory and rejected it!

In Matthew 21, upon His triumphal entry into Jerusalem, the religious leaders stopped the mouths of His worshippers, and demanded that Christ forbid them. Jesus rebuked them, and began a series of stunning and judgmental parables that spanned from chapter 21 through chapter 24! Never once did Jesus change subjects, as though He spoke of a 2000-year future stretch of time. He was totally immersed in the issue of Jerusalem's rejection of Him, and even issued warning to the church to remain faithful, lest they, too, perish in the judgement to come.

The parable of the two brothers (Matthew 21:28-31) contrasted the people outside the Kingdom at that time with the people of Jerusalem in that generation. One brother refused to work for his father, but later did indeed work. He spoke of the people who would comprise the church. The brother who initially agreed to work, but never did, spoke of Jerusalem and her religious leaders of that day.

The parable of the vineyard (Matthew 21:33-45) showed how the religious leaders of Israel were as trusted husbandmen, who rebelliously beat and smote the messengers of the Vineyard owner, the prophets. These came to gather the fruit of holy lives and dedication to God from the people of Israel. Finally, the slaying of the Son depicted the crucifixion of Jesus, who came, Himself. The Pharisees correctly presumed Christ referred to them when He concurred with their assessment of the guilty husbandmen in the parable, saying they should be slain and bereft of the Kingdom, losing it to another nation bringing forth the fruits.

Matthew 22 parallels Revelation chapters 17-19 in showing a people invited to a wedding supper, who refuse to comply. "But when the king heard thereof, he was wroth: and he sent forth his armies, and destroyed those murderers, and burned up their city (Mat 22:7)." Revelation 17 shows the harlot "city" burned with fire.

After the city was destroyed in the parable, we read, "Then saith he to his servants, The wedding is ready, but they which were bidden were not worthy. Go ye therefore into the highways, and as many as ye shall find, bid to the marriage. So those servants went out into the highways, and gathered together all as many as they found, both bad and good: and the wedding was furnished with guests. (Mat 22:8-10)"

Revelation concurs, and shows the wedding feast after the Harlot city is burned with fire. Coincidence?

In Matthew 23, Jesus openly speaks about rebelling Jerusalem of His day as the theme of his parables, telling them they filled the cup of the transgressions in all the righteous blood being shed since the death of Abel. Never before had such a condemnation been laid upon a single generation, in contrast to the times their fathers committed sins. Christ accused one generation of possessing the guilt of all shed blood on the entire earth! But to slay Christ, who would die for all mankind, was certainly worthy of the accusation of having shed all righteous blood in the world up to that time. And what is so revealing in all of this, is that Revelation claims the harlot was filled with the blood of all that was ever shed on the earth, just as Jesus accused Jerusalem (Compare Matthew 23:23-35 with Revelation 18:24)!

In Matthew 24, Jesus is still speaking of the demise of Jerusalem as He points out that the buildings of the temple would not have one stone left standing. The disciples respond to him with questions. "When will the stones be thrown down, what will be the sign of your coming, and of the end of the world?" (Matthew 24:3b).

At first glance, the picture is not so clear as to why Jesus would respond to those questions in the manner He did. They would personally hear of wars and rumours of wars, and so forth, in reference to the time of “the end of the world”. However, He did not say the church of two thousand years later would see these things. He said they, the disciples standing right there, would not only see and hear those things, but would, themselves, be afflicted and persecuted. And a cursory reading of the Book of Acts reveals that to have indeed occurred!

Was the sign of the coming of the Son of man to occur in the end of our civilization? When we read the same accounts of this discussion in both Luke and Mark, we see that these disciples asked the same questions. But their questions are phrased differently. “The sign of the coming of the Son of man, and of the end of the world” was actually the events to transpire when the temple would be destroyed, which occurred in 70 AD!

Mark 13:2-4 And Jesus answering said unto him, Seest thou these great buildings? there shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down. And as he sat upon the mount of Olives over against the temple, Peter and James and John and Andrew asked him privately, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign when all these things shall be fulfilled?

Luke 21:6-7 As for these things which ye behold, the days will come, in the which there shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down. And they asked him, saying, Master, but when shall these things be? and what sign will there be when these things shall come to pass?

Mark and Luke proceed to give the same general list of events as Matthew 24 did, touted by many to yet be unfulfilled. But the context of Mark and Luke's questions to Jesus undoubtedly regard the same timeframe when the temple would be destroyed in 70 AD!

The Greek term translated as "world" in Matthew 24:3 is "aion", meaning "age". An age actually ended in 70 AD. That does not mean the New Testament did not begin until 70 AD! But it does mean that an age did indeed end. Howso?

In Matthew 23, Jesus contrasted the Jews of His day, that generation, with the entire race of Jews who persecuted the prophets throughout the centuries. Although their fathers had committed such heinous crimes, that specific generation would fill the cup (Matthew 23:32), or pass the line of God's forbearance. Never before was one generation accused of the guilt for all shed blood upon the earth! Their fathers were never accused of such guilt, though they persecuted many great men of God. But in crucifying and scourging Jesus, and the disciples, the Jews of that day would receive the wrath worthy for the entire world's shed blood. Surely an age was ending!

There was nothing in all of Jesus Christ's words to inspire the disciples to ask about events 2,000 years into their future. Jesus did not proceed to speak about our day in 2003. All that He spoke about in Matthew chapter 21 through Chapter 24 was the implications of Jerusalem's rejection of His triumphal entry, and how the kingdom would go to another nation, while Jerusalem would be judged.

When He walked into the temple the day they rejected Him, and looked, only to find no welcome of praise for Him, He left and cursed a fig tree for having many leaves, but no fruit to receive (Mark 11:11-14). That fig tree was Israel. And she had all the trappings, like leaves, of religious activity, without the actual fruit of praise and godly servitude to the Lord. Israel was cursed by Jesus Christ. Their house would soon be left desolate, as a result.

He looked back to women "of Jerusalem", weeping for Him as He carried His cross up Calvary's hill (Luke 23:28-30). And He told them to weep for themselves and for their children -- that generation. He said the days would come when they would call for the rocks and mountains to cover them. This was the very picture noted in the sixth seal of Revelation 6:16!

Why does the Book of Revelation speak so much about the judgment upon Israel for rejecting Him in the days of His revelation? Simply realize that the Lord spent many parables and discussions concerning that very issue in the Gospels! He is simply being consistent in both the Gospels and the Revelation.

Revelation shows two contrasting groups of people who accepted Him and were blessed, or rejected Him and were cursed.

Christ brought a New Jerusalem into existence. A New Israel. A New Temple, called the Church, comprised of both Jews and Gentiles born again, losing their Gentile and Jewish states, and made a new nation altogether! He even told the resisting Pharisees that if the people praising Him during His triumphal entry should cease, the stones would cry out. He meant that there would be a new temple comprised of lively stones, from amongst the quarries of the good and the bad, and the halt and the lame, who would accept Him (1 Peter 2:5, 9). And this new temple's stones of the souls of precious people born-again, would become a house of God built up and inhabited by Jesus, Himself, showing forth His praises!

"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."

Last edited by mfblume; 11-09-2015 at 10:10 AM.
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Old 11-09-2015, 11:53 AM
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Re: Changing To Preterism from Rapture Doctrine

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
Several optometrists having dinner with a blind man, who ordered steak but swears it's rabbit?

Man! I go to buy a steak, thinking it is hare, come back from eating chicken and find 10 more pages of ..... something, that has been written!

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